Hello and Goodbye.

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Ray brushed the snow off the hood of her older brothers car as he loaded her luggage into the back. 

"Uhm, I'll be back." He said, walking back to the house. Ray eyed his retreating figure, distracted the the presence of someone behind her. She turned to see Seth. 

"You're leaving." He said almost as a question. He practiced what he would say but the second he saw her, all his words were lost. Every time he looked into her eyes, she took his breath away. 

"Yeah, uh exams start in a few days so..." She stuttered, looking anywhere but his sad eyes. She couldn't look at him because she knew, the longer she did the less she would be able to leave. But Seth just saw this as her still feeling hostile towards him. 

"Look, I know you wanted me to stay away, but I couldn't." He said, remembering some of the words he practiced. She clutched the ice scraper in her hands, unconsciously showing off her bare ring finger, not that Seth would know the difference. "And when Jake told me you were going back, I couldn't let you go without begging you to stay." He said, his voice cracking. 

Ray felt tears welling up in her own eyes. 

"Seth, I love you, you know that, hell everyone knows it but I can't help but think that may be the problem." She paused, inhaling deeply before continuing. "I want to be with you but all our history, I just don't know if I can." 

"Then lets start over." He suggested. Ray shook her head, sniffling. "Please." He begged. "Just try." He shortened the space between them, holding his hand  out to her. "Hello, I'm Seth Clearwater, I'm fifteen and I just turned into a werewolf but that's not the crazy part, the crazy- but amazing part is that this thing happened to me where my soul became bound to my best friend and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me because I've loved her even before our souls were bound and I couldn't ask for a better person to be bound to and-"

"Seth!" She said cutting off his rambling. She placed her hand in his, allowing him to hold it. She tried to stay strong but couldn't, he absolutely melted her. She sighed then smiled, "It's nice to meet you Seth, I'm Ray. And I'm in love with this goofy dork I call my best friend, I have been for years-" 

Seth yanked her arm forward, pulling her body to his. They crashed together as Seth stepped forward, unable to wait for her to come to him. As soon as their lips touched, they felt whole again, something they haven't been in about six and a half years. A fire ignited in Ray's stomach sending tingles throughout her body. 

They pulled away for air, it couldn't have been more than a second but it felt like an eternity to Seth so he tried to close the gap between them but she pulled her back and Seth could feel his stomach sink. 

"I have to go. My plane leaves soon." She said reluctantly, he was warm and at home in his arms. Seth was tense. 

"You're still leaving?" His arms dropped and he had an overwhelming urge to drop with them. Although he could see how he deserved this, he kept leaving her so of course she would want to leave him. 

"Seth, my life is in New York." Even though he let go, she refused to loosen her hold on him. "But I promise to be back whenever I can." She pecked his lips to cheer him up and although it did the trick momentarily, he knew he would soon feel empty again. But this was what she wanted, and he couldn't stand in the way of her dreams so, 

"I understand." 

Jake returned to his car, informing the both of them it was time to go. They spent the car ride in each others arms, enjoying each others presence. Ray refused to leave the comforting presence of Seth, her Seth, until absolutely necessary. 

He held onto her the entire ride to the airport. His hand stayed locked with hers until he couldn't go any further. Jacob said his goodbyes (which was hard to do with Seth attached to her arm) and agreed to meet Seth in the car. 

The two turned to each other, memorizing each others features even though they didn't have to. 

"I'll be back. I promise." She murmured between kisses. 

"I'll be waiting, until my last breath if I have to." He declared taking in her beauty, one last time; her vanilla scent, the feeling her touch left on his skin, everything that was Riane Black, and let her go. 

The End 

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