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We all need a second chance at things, however, some will be easier than others.

Ray lie in her bed, thoughts of Seth and the rest of the pack filling her mind. When she was released from the hospital, she was shocked to see them all there smiling and holding flowers. She was stunned and didn't know what to do. Overwhelmed with resent, she ignored them and walked right past. Seth had been the one to chase her down in the parking lot, forcing her to look at him, sadness clouding her eyes. She looked at him, frozen in his place, she ripped her arm away from his grasp turning to walk away again, he wanted to say something, he wanted to say everything but the look on her face and hate in her voice made him paralyzed. He had rehearsed what he was going to say a thousand times but now that she was standing in front of him, no collection of words seemed right. So he let her go, he let her walk away. He went back inside, his head hung low in defeat and shame. The pack still gathered to ask questions even though they already knew the answer. Nessie told them that she didn't know what they were expecting, if it were them in her shoes none of them would have forgiven that easily. The rest agreed but Billy added that they had to start somewhere.

And now, she lie in her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling as her phone buzzed continuously beside her. She ignored her phone and shut her eyes, trying to simultaneously shut the world out too. The constant buzzing irritated her to the point of throwing her hone at the wall parallel to her.

She learned quite a bit from the hospital. After she was healthy enough they transferred her to the psych department with wasn't as awful as it sounded. Patients weren't allowed very many personal effects and a lot of what they did was controlled. Thankfully, they let her authorized who visited her and as much as the pack requested to see her, she denied letting them. She learned a lot about depression and ways to overcome it. She had also made a few friends along the way. One of the techniques she learned about was not to enable her depression by laying in bed all day which was coincidentally what she was doing right now.

Ray sighed and rolled out of bed. She changed from her pajamas into something socially acceptable and made her way to the kitchen. She decided to walk to the diner in town, it was kind of far but the fresh air and exercise would have been good for her. She grabbed her keys and walked out. When she finished locking the door, she turned to start walking but froze when she saw Seth standing in the yard. The way he stared at her made her want to sink into the ground but then again this was Seth. He made her heart melt and made her fell happy and more comfortable just by being near. She sighed knowing she would have to talk to him eventually so why not now? Ray walked closer to him but still a decent length apart. He smiled sadly at her.

"I called you." He said. She nodded. "We need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you." Ray told him and he nodded.

"I know but I have things to say to you." He steps closer to her and takes the fact she didn't step away as a good sign. "So just hear me out? Please?" He asks. Ray bites her bottom lip in contemplation.

"Okay." She whispers in defeat and Seth grins.

"I love you!" Seth blurts and Ray giggles.

"I love you too Seth." She smiles, but Seth shakes his head.

"No, not like that. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you." He says, taking another step forward. Ray narrows her eyes in confusion. "I don't love you like a friend loves a friend, I love you the way Sam loves Emily." He states, trying to clarify his point. Ray steps closer to him, and takes his face in her hands.

"I love you too Seth." She says again, her words mean the same thing as they did before but she says them with moxie, just to clarify her point. Seth grins and pulls her closer, kissing her. The kiss is filled with love but laced with guilt and yet better than any kiss either of them had before. Ray pulls away, Seth trying to chase her lips with his but one word makes him freeze. "Jessica." She didn't want to say it but knew she had to, this new revelation in their relationship opened a world of complications and Jessica was one of many.

"It's okay." He smiled, placing his forehead against hers. "I'm supposed to be anything she needs me to be. That doesn't mean I have to be her lover." Ray grinned when she realized he was right, the legend states that the imprinter will become anything the imprintee needs weather that be a brother a friend or a lover, pulling him in for and even more passionate kiss.

This was it, they could be together. All Jessica had to do was say that she wanted Seth to be herd friend and Seth was free to be with Ray, the woman he truly loved. If only things were that easy. 

True Desire. [Seth Clearwater]Where stories live. Discover now