Did you hear that?

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Iyanla Vanzant said, "Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place where we find the deepest heartache."

Present Day

Riane woke up that Sunday well rested, she laid in bed for a bit, checking her phone, before she got ready to take on the day. Jacob wasn't home so she assumed that he was taking care of some pack business and Her dad was just siting and reading the news paper.

"Let's go dad, I need to get there early to help Emily." She said, taking the handles on his wheelchair and wheeling him out the door and helping him into the truck. By the time they got there, pretty much everyone who wasn't a wolf was helping Emily with the big pack brunch. Every Sunday at around 10 the two packs from the tribe gathered and caught up with each other. Of course, they had to take care of the boring wolf stuff beforehand, however, ever since the fight with the volturi a few years back the forest has been quiet, aside from a nomad here and there, so they sat somewhere in the woods and goofed around for an hour before they came in and ate, or at least that's what Seth told her. 


"Hey Renesmee!" She greeted with a smile, as Billy wheeled himself into the living room where old quil was sat on the couch, sipping on a fresh cup of coffee.
"Hey girl! Hey Billy! " Renesmee smiled warmly. Ray caught sight of the almost- full table of food.
"No fair! You guys started without me?" She frowned. Riane loved to cook, especially with Emily. She actually spent most of her time at the Uley's place even though she was more tied to her brothers pack.
"Sorry sweetheart but the guys started early so that means they finish early and therefore so do we." Sue smiled warmly as she handed her a stack of plates to set the table with.
"How is Seth doing? I haven't seen him in a few days." Everyone turned their attention to her. Of course the first thing she does is ask about Seth. That and it was very odd for the two of them to be apart for more than 12 hours.  
"Now that you mention it, he has been acting strange lately, maybe you could talk to him for me?" Sue offered and Ray nodded. 

"I just have to get my hands on him first." Ray chucked shaking her head, referring to her inability to get a hold of him. Although Renesmee couldn't help but giggle thinking to herself that Ray already had her hands on him. 

And just as they sat down and started to eat, the two packs came noisily running in, shoving each other and laughing. Riane kept her eye out for one person in particular and when she spotted him, her whole world lit up. Calmly, Paul, Sam, Seth, and Jacob came in and took their seats at the table. Seth grinned as he walked over to Ray and placed on hand on her back and placed a soft kiss on her temple, before sitting down. She caught Renesmee's eye as she winked at her. Riane rolled her eyes.

This is how they had always greeted each other, well that is once they got over the fear of cooties. Renesmee often joked how they looked like a younger Sam and Emily. Oh how she wished.

"Before we eat. I have an announcement to make." Seth said getting up, gaining the attention from everyone at the table.
"You and Ray are getting married! I knew it!" Renesmee yelled jokingly and everybody laughed. Because, everybody knew about their feelings for each other except for each other.
"Close." Seth chuckled.
"You two are finally dating?" Brady offered.
"If we are, this is the first I'm hearing about it. " She chuckled, her heart rate significantly quicker than before.
"No, nothing to do with Ray." But when people couldn't guess properly or gave up, he just told everybody.

"I imprinted."

Riane froze, with a piece of bacon in her mouth, and so did everybody else. First they stared blankly at Seth then with pity towards Riane. Did you hear that? Because she was pretty sure everyone heard that. Even the people with regular hearing. It was Riane's heart as it cracked, right down the middle.

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