Murphy's Law

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  Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

It's a sad moment when you realize, you're all alone. At first it was her fault, avoiding and ignoring people that reached out but it wasn't so bad, Ray still had Embry, they became close and then he imprinted on someone. She was nice so it's not like Riane could hate her, in fact she kind of liked her. The only problem was that after he imprinted he was spending less and less time with her and more or so with the group, just like Seth.  And when she finally realized how alone she really was, it was like she died inside.

Meanwhile, Sam's Sunday brunch was about to begin. Emily and Nessie were in the kitchen prepping the table and, as per usual, just at the were about to sit down, the boys came pounding in, followed by the elders. Emily smiled to herself as she gazed upon her family, every kind of love radiating from the house with an off hint of guilt. Sam pulled her over and offered her a plate before picking up his own.

"Where's Paul?" He asked, noticing his second in command gone. But all he got in response were shrugs. He too, himself shrugged and started eating, he was about to bit his first piece of bacon when Paul came stomping in.

"That it!" He yelled as he reached the table, gaining the attention of everyone, making the whole room go silent. "I just took Ray to the hospital!" He screamed, alerting everyone. "I found her passed out in her room, it looked like she hadn't eaten in weeks." He pointed out the door and into the woods. A hint of guilt flashed in Seth's eyes, as his face stayed rock hard, or so he thought. Everyone felt a pang of remorse for the sadness Riane felt and yet, the only ones to do anything were Jake and Billy who left, probably to go to the hospital to see Ray 

"Is that it?" Paul scoffed. "You know the entire time I was trying to make sure she was alive when paramedics got there, I kept thinking, we did this to her."

"We tried-" Nessie offered.

"Not hard enough!" Paul bellowed, slamming his fist to the table, causing plates and utensils to clatter together. "She is our family and yet we rubbed our happiness into her face. We drove her away!"

Seth couldn't tear his eyes from his plate, he knew this was his fault and it was all because he was a coward. Nessie felt even worse because they were best friends and she swore the imprint would never come first or at least, she would try and not make it so but its hard when your best friend no longer wants anything to do with you.

Seth whispered. Everyone with super hearing, however could hear it and looked at him in shock. Everyone else just looked at him because they were wondering why everyone else was looking at him.

"Sweetheart did you say something?" Jessica asked leaning in a bit to hear him better but at she got was a mumble in return. She looked around, most of the guys look shocked and when she turned to Seth his head was up and he was looking right at her. He said it again, this time loud and clear, for everyone to hear.

"I don't love you."  

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