Chapter 5

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As my eyes slowly opened, they were directed to the very small patch of sunlight beaming in my room. The ONLY patch of sunlight beaming in, to make it clear. Mom had blocked off every single thing of light there could be in here. She took out all the lamps out and rummaged through my stuff to make sure the flashlights were gone. If you ask me why, I won't be able to answer.  

I got up out of bed and stepped my foot on the floor. It has been two days since I walked, so I was a little unformilair. I felt around with my hands to make sure I wasnt going to run into anything. My hand came upon the door handle and I twisted it VERY quietly and slowly. As I walked out I felt blowing on my face. I turned my head right, seeing that there was a fan attatched to the wall. But, thats not all. There were fans everywhere. Attatched to almost every post in the house. On the stairs, and some on the low ceilings. There were a bunch all over the kitchen counters and even one sitting next to the couch. They were all on and running. The only thing I was wondering was why they were here, how they got here, and why there are so many of them. I tip-toed down the stairs peeking around every corner, making sure I wasn't going to run into mom. The house was dead silent. I didn't hear any talking or any sounds except for all the running fans. I went through all the rooms looking for my family. I finally reached the garage, opened the door and looked in. There weren't any cars. That means no one is home, which is good. It gives me time to investigate around the house and look for clues to moms secret.

The first place I knew to look was in my moms office space. She had the double door locked but I managed to get it open with a bobby pin. I walked over to the chair sitting by her desk and I looked through all the folders she had on her desk. It was all buisness stuff. I looked through her desk and that too was all buisness stuff. I was starting to come to a loss, when I remebered that mom had a secret compartment in the floor. I remember her showing it to me as a kid, and she probably thinks I have forgot about it by now. Not me! I never forget things. I moved the carpet and opened up the un-glued patch of wood. Under the wood was a journal. It had my teacher (Mrs Lopenskie's) name on it. 

(<) sign means thinking

<Why would mom have my teacher's journal here?>

I unlatched the brown leather lace that was wrapped around the book to keep it closed. I read the first page of the journal and started laughing!  <Wow Mrs. Lopenskie! Your really the funny one aren't you!> All of a sudden a gust of wind from one of the fans blew the pages of the book. When the blowing stopped, it had landed me on a page that was titled: Almost Seen.  By the name of it's title I knew I had to read it. It read:


Today was the eclipse. The sun was being covered quickly, making it dark. I could hear something in the woods and I could tell it was them. Billy and Sandra came running up to me in the middle of silent reading, telling me that they are hearing strange sounds. Billy was hearing screetching and Sandra was hearing scratching. I tried to blow it off my shoulder by cracking a joke about a horror movie. But, seeing the kids this scared and uncomfortable, makes me feel the same. I know not to reveal them and I will keep my duties pure and secret.  Poor Ms Paris..they took her so soon. -Mrs. Lopenskie  


Now Im scared Im more worried than scared. I can fight off anything, but not knowing what they are is what frightens me. Mrs. Lopenskie seems so nice. Why would she keep a secret.? At least I know that I am not the only one that doesn't know all the answers. The rest of the school doesn't know either. But I am guessing all the teachers are in on this. I have survived what ever they are though because I am still here. Ha but now I know partially what mom is keeping from the family. She knows what it is too, and the car accident was just a lie. She may be my mother, but she is NOT my friend. I have grown too scared of her to call her family. 

I got stopped by my thoughts when I heard the garage door opening. I immediatly put the journal back, covered the compartment with the carpet, ran out the door remebering to lock it so she didnt know I was there, and sprinting up the stairs to my room. I quietly shut my door and got in bed. I put all the sheets over my head so if mom walked in, she would think I was sleeping. Sure enough, she did come in and she left a sticky note on my night stand, and then she was gone. I got out of bed, grabbed the sticky note, and walked over to the little patch of light there was in my room. The sticky note said: Don't think I don't know.....








Author's Note: Some credit given to my sis (purplejellysauce12). She helped me write a few things. Hope you guys like the chapter! Comment and tell me what you think! Much Love

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