Chapter 3

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--I was sitting in class day-dreaming when my teacher Mrs. Fulford nudged me.--

Mrs F: "Paris? Hello?? WAKE UP!!" *She screamed*

Me: "Oh my gosh, Im sooo sorry Mrs, Fulford." *I gave Mrs. Fulford a guilty look"

Mrs F: "You have detention after school. Now finish up the worksheet, you have sitting in front of you." *She walked to her desk*

"That was weird." thought Paris. I never fall asleep in class. But then again there is a first time for everything so here I am. I guess I will have to call mom when school is over to let her know I wont be coming home on the bus. I wonder what she will think of me...there is a lot to think of a person when they are a straight A student and they NEVER fall asleep in class and they are always ahead of things. Now that one person is going to detention. Great.

--The bell rang (that means class is over)--

I walked out the class room. I saw a girl with long golden blonde hair. I know she was new because I have never seen her around. She looked very shy and I could tell it was her first day. I slowly walked over to her and I thought I would give her a warm welcome.

Me (Paris): Hello there! Im Paris. I can tell your new to our school. Whats your name?"

?: "My name is memry. Nice to meet you." *She held out her hand for me to shake it.*

Me: "What a beautiful name! I love it!" *I smiled and shook her hand*

Memry: "Thanks." *She smiled*

Me: "Anytime. So what's your schedule? I can point you in the direction of the class rooms"

Memry: *She handed Paris the schedule*

Me: *Looked at the schedule* "There is nothing on this peice of paper.." *I looked up to give her a puzzled look and no one was there.* "Huh that's weird" 

--I walked into my next class and put my books at a desk. Then I walked straight up to the teacher Mr. Ogden.--

Me: "Excuse me?"

Mr O: "Yes Paris?"

Me: "Has anyone new joined school today?"

Mr O: "Let me look on the school attendance" *He looked at his computer and searched for a minute* "Yes, a boy named Tod. He moved from Texas. Is that what you were looking for?"

Me: "Um, are you sure a girl hasn't joined? Here name is Memry."

Mr O: "No one under that name has come to this school." *He looked up at Paris and took his spectacles off.*

Me: "NO IM SURE I NEW GIRL JOINED! I MET HER IN THE HALL! HERE LET ME SHOW YOU.." *I reached into his computer to look for the picture and he pushed me back.*

Mr O: "No miss no one by that name. No one new. Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

Me: "No, everything is NOT alright. Can I go to the clinic??" *I was heating up like a cookie in the oven.*

Mr O: "Yes you may." *He wrote Paris a pass* "Here you go. Now hurry off"

I took the pass and ran down the hall. I took the immediate right that I needed to take, and went right to the front desk. The clinic lady (Mrs Peach). She put down her pen she was writing with, and looked me in the eye.

Mrs P: "What do you need ms?"

Me: "Can I sit down and have some water. Im not feeling so well. Oh, I also wish to have a call home?"

Mrs P: "Okay honey go sit down. I will get you water and call your mother. Would you like me to have her pick you up?"

Me: "Yes please. Thank you."

I went to the cushy chair that was behind some curtains. I sat down. Mrs. Peach brought me some water and I drank it very slowly. Yea, you could say I was scared out of my mind. The one time I am outgoing enough to welcome a new student, they don't even exist.

--My mom rushed in as I was deep in thought-- 

Mom: "Hi sweetie. Lets go in the car now." *She helped Paris out of the seat and walked her to the car*

Me: "Im sorry mom. Weird things have been going on today. I feel delusional and I didb't want to stay any longer."

Mom: "I understand. It's alright. You are aloud to have a sick day every now and then. Now, tell me about your day.?"

Me: "Well to start it off, I feel asleep in one of my classes. I dont know how but I just did. Then, when class was over, I walked out of the room and to my surprise, we had a new student."

Mom: "Alright. Whats so bad about that?"

Me: "Well she seemed really nice but also quite shy. I introduced myself and so did she. Her name was Memry. I like that name."

Mom: "What a wonderful name! So did you invite her over?"

Me: "No, actually I asked her for her schedule so I could tell her where the classes were. The schedule was blank. So I looked up at her to ask her why it was blank..and-" *I got cut off when mom screamed. I looked up and there was a car headed right toward us. It wasnt stopping, and when mom went to swerve out of its way, it swerved with us. Almost like it wanted to hit us.*


I woke up in a hospital bed. I didnt know what was going on. I heard people talking around me but I wasn't quite sure what was happening. All I know is that when I looked to my was laying on a bed with blood covering her, and there were surgens surrounding her...........

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