Chapter 5

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Jenna was sleeping peacefully in her bed wrapped up in the oversize down duvet when the annoying buzzing sound from the alarm startled her. Rolling over, her hand smacked at the snooze button then she snuggled back under the covers to try to continue her wonderful dream. As Jenna got settled the memory of yesterday's events came to her mind. More than anything it was Brock that was on her mind and it was he she had dreamt about last night. Before Jenna had fallen asleep last night he was on her mind as she tried to think of ways to help him. Jenna's eyes flew open at the thought of Brock's family members coming to visit him this morning, and she wanted to be there when they arrived. She tossed the covers off her body and shivered as the warm feeling was replaced by icy cold air. Lilah got up and moved to where the outline of Jenna's body had been in hopes of getting warmer.

"Oh no you don't, if I have to get up and lose my warm spot so do you. Come on and go outside while I take a shower." Jenna snapped her fingers and pointed towards the door, she could had sworn that if dogs could roll their eyes that's exactly what Lilah did. After letting Lilah outside Jenna practically ran towards the bathroom her tangled hair whipping behind her. If she didn't get ready for work right now she was going to be late today and that was not a option.

Carolyn came into the employees entrance in a rush as she tried to catch her breath. Even if she did only live five minutes away, this morning things weren't working in her favor. Usually Jenna ran late every morning so when Carolyn didn't see Jenna she assumed that this morning was like any other. As Carolyn walked into the nurses station to check on the schedule she saw Jenna steadily working away.

"Well if I don't believe my own eyes I think I may need glasses, what are you doing here.?" Carolyn inquired with a confused look on her face.

"What... I'm working what does it look like I'm doing and why are you late anyways?" Jenna countered

"I got stuck behind old man Johnson's tractor in a line of traffic but before that John and I were in a compromising position." Carolyn stated while wiggling her brows feverishly.

"I don't want to know what goes on in your bedroom."

"Oh it wasn't just in the bedroom...." Jenna brought her hands up to cover her ears and said,

"Oh my God I don't want to know! Just keep that information to yourself. " Carolyn snickered and took the chart that Jenna was working on.

"Who are you working on that has you here on time if not maybe even early?" Carolyn glanced at the chart knowing who it belonged to. Jenna yanked the chart back away from Carolyn and stormed off down the hallway. Carolyn followed behind. She intended to get more information out of Jenna of why she was so eager to help Brock Hammond. As Jenna was checking Brock's vitals and IV bags, Carolyn entered the room with a smug look on her face. Jenna rolled her eyes knowing something was going to be said about her over enthusiasm about tending to Brock.

"What do you want, Caroyln, I know you came to harass me about being at work on time."

"Nothing really." Jenna looked up at Carolyn with one brow raised up knowing that Carolyn was lying through her teeth. They had been friends all their lives and could read each other like a book.

"Ok, Carolyn, I mean it either spit it out or get out his family is suppose to be here any moment now." Jenna stated irritably

"I'm just wondering why you're taking such an interest in this man."

"Did you really just ask me that? Come on Carolyn I'm a nurse I'm here to help patients get well that's my job. Why are you so concerned anyways? It's not like he's just going to jump off the bed anytime soon."

"I just don't want you to get your hopes up in him getting well fast. This may be a long process. What if something ends up not going well. I know how you are, Jenna, you have a heart of gold and you want to help everybody." Carolyn said with a concerned tone.

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