Chapter 8

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The day had finally arrived, John's birthday celebration at Big Jake's bar. Jenna had finally given in to Carolyn's persistent nagging and against her better judgment allowed Carolyn to come over early to help her get ready. Jenna had to mentally remind herself that she was just going to have few drinks, maybe dance, and just have a good time. No expectations.

As Jenna stood in front of her closet with the door swung wide open to reveal mostly muted color tones of black and gray and over sized even for her body type. Most of the vibrant color clothing came from her uniform scrubs which were flattering to any woman's form. Jenna drifted to the memory of seated beside Brock's hospital bed as she babbled on about her life story that any conscious man would have been bored to tears with. Even as Jenna stood there she felt overwhelmingly embarrassed for confiding in him all of her dreams and fears. 'It's not like he will remember anything anyways if or when he wakes up.' Jenna thought to herself.

The doorbell chimed breaking Jenna's thoughts of Brock and the warming sensation she received when they were together. Lilah barked incessantly, jumping around and eager for Jenna to open the door.

"Alright, Lilah, enough. I'm coming hush." She scolded but Lilah continued her rant. Jenna opened the door to see Carolyn standing there holding two Styrofoam cups full of steaming coffee. Wisps of steam could be see wafting from the small opening in the lids.

"I come bearing gifts of great joy". Stated Carolyn as she lifted one of the cups towards Jenna. Lilah pushed her way past Jenna and gently placed her large paw on Carolyn's thigh her tail wagging rapidly.

"Hey Li, have you been a god girl, you know I can't give you a treat if you haven't been good and the one I brought is bangin'." Carolyn smiled and patted Lilah on the head as she walked into the house. At the word treat Lilah went into a frenzy, her tongue hung out and body in full wag mode. Carolyn lightly tossed the dog bone and Lilah caught it in mid air to the trot off to enjoy it in peace.

"I swear, Jenna, that dog acts more like a human being than a furry animal."

"You know the only reason she likes you is because you always give her treats every time you see her." Carolyn covered her heart in mock hurt making Jenna bust out laughing.

"You know I'm just kidding girl she loves her auntie Carolyn. Actually she has a great judgment of character. She can read people better than I can sometimes." Jenna stated as both of them sat down on the plush burgundy microfiber couch. Jenna sipped at her steaming french vanilla flavored coffee. Her thoughts drifted again back to Brock. It was Jenna's day off and her first time being away from him. His chiseled features came to Jenna's mind and she absentmindedly licked her plump lips. She wished she was at the hospital sitting beside him. Jenna felt complete when she was near him and that scared her to the core. Against her better judgment she was becoming more attached to this man. Jenna swore she wouldn't allow another man to have a piece of her heart if he was going to end up leaving her like all the others. Her heart already had some missing pieces that had been taken over the years and if Brock would end up dying he would be taking the biggest piece with him.

"Hello, earth to Jenna." Carolyn waved her hand in front of Jenna's face.

"I'm sorry what." Jenna questioned in a trance.

"I was telling you how we should do your hair for tonight." This statement brought the anxiety rushing back to Jenna's mind

"I don't know, Carolyn..." Jenna looked down her body and stared at her feet.

"Oh hell no! No you don't, Jenna Owens. You are not backing out of this. I told you that you couldn't last minute decide not to go. So your ass is going if I have to club, sack, and drag you there myself." Carolyn stated firmly.

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