Free Falling

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The sky began to cry
Soft little pallets of red
And white flowers made
From the stages and passion
Of love

The people turned their heads
To the skies
Wondering how such a sight
Could happen at such a time

The petals conversed
Among themselves
The white ones speaking first
Softly and curiously

Oh they said
What a preposterous amount
Of love this species

Yes one said to another
Our brothers of red
Will certainly relish in
What we have found
For them

And so the petals fell
They brushed the faces of humans
Touched hearts and
Sunk minds

And there was a smile
A smile hiding devilishly
In the shadows of the petals
There was no face
Not anymore at least

The smile felt what its
petals collected
And abruptly halted

It sighed
And wondered coherently
In its mind
What was this useless feeling again?

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