The Silent War

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It was said
That the heart and mind
work together
Like factory workers
To tell the rest of existence
That everything would be alright.

The heart worked with a fake fantasy
It was supposed to be the very core
To a soul

The mind worked alone
Deciphering the words
Any trespassers have to say

The similarity between the two?
The mind and heart were born
In two very differing worlds
Neither of which should ever
Mix nor even speak with each other

I feel that someone out
Felt that both the mind and heart
Were simple bodily functions

And that the truth was
That love never existed
Or that love could not change
A person
Or that love could not heal
The scars inflicted over the years
Or that love was a game played
By evil-doers lingering around

And the people that still
Believed this was not true
Were not there to
Tell the lost

It would all be alright

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