Dreaming Days Away

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You were the sun
And I was the stars

Made by the souls
Collected in
Desperate times

You saved me from
A death I
Brought upon

Maybe I despied you
For that day
But there was a light
A light of a dying

Almost dead
And that's what you called me

Star Dust.

You showed me the fear
And I hated you for it
You showed me my true self
And I hated you for it
But there was a chance

That through all the tainted
I never hated you at all

And when you tried to save me
It was all okay
For a moment
And the hand you outsretched
To me in the nova

The nova destined to destroy all
We've built together
I didn't take it
And only then

Did you
Finally grant
My wish.

And I woke up
To beeping and white light
And you were there
I know you were
And they were there

Then you were gone
And so were they
Then I knew
Right at that exact moment
That all I had experienced

Was a painful, lovely dream.

Ideals In A Small WorldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora