Female #4: Argentum "Ara" di Lusso

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Name: Argentum "Ara" di Lusso

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ara always had an affinity for the color silver, considering that's what her name means. She modeled her looks after the color and finery of the metal while still keeping herself normal looking. Her hair is a color that boarders shades of grey and white, almost silver but not metallic like it was when she was young. Her big eyes are a brilliant- and slightly reflective- shade of silver. She's kept her body and pale skin the way it naturally is; she's naturally curvy and willowy in build and her face has the same delicate features she'd have if she wasn't a Capitol citizen. Her only real alterations are the silver tattoos looping up her arms- they look like vines- that go all the way to her neck and the silver flecks in her red lips.

Personality: Ara has never been the laid-back type. She's rather aggressive, fiery and fierce to a fault. Her sharp tongue and irrational, rash decisions tend to get her into trouble more often than not. Ara is stubborn and will always stand her ground, never one to give up a fight. She could be charming if she wanted to be but she prefers to be her blunt, somewhat angry self. There is a sweet, friendly woman underneath all of her fire.

History: Ara was born into the typical luxury of a Capitol home. Her parents were both stylists for the Games, catering to District Seven. She was not the only child in the family, there was also her twin brother Arum. Ara dropped out of school at the age of thirteen- pressuring Arum to do the same- to design jewelry at about the time her sister was born. She was rather good at it too and by the age of eighteen, her designs were being worn by anyone who was anyone. At some point she considered volunteering for the Games but Arum was planning on doing the same so they didn't. Ara lives with her younger sister Maxine and her own daughter Lyre, who was born nine months after a party that Ara doesn't remember most of.

Reason for Participating: Why not? It was selfish of her to volunteer when she had a daughter to look after but it was one of her infamous rash, hasty decisions. She didn't even run it by Arum before signing up.

Skills: She's flexible. Good at being charming if she pleases. Skilled with throwing knives; she used to practice throwing them at pictures of her ex boyfriends.

Favorite tribute type: The femme fatale. That sneaky, somewhat skanky girl who uses her looks and charm to maks every boy bow to her and then kills them. Sometimes it doesn't work and said boy stabs them to death but hey, they're interesting to watch.

Token: A gold coil bracelet that she never takes off. Arum has a silver one just like it.

Other: Finders keepers

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