Chapter 6

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I could not believe it. It felt like a dream, one of those dreams where its so real you wake up sad that you're living in the reality that you ACTUALLY are. How sad. I was beyond ecstatic, this was reality and it was all slowly coming together. Austin and I mutually had feelings for each other.

"So, we both have feelings for each other, where do we go from there." I asked.

"Where ever you feel like taking it babe." Austin said. 

"So, are we going to try to make this work." 

"If you want to, but promise me one thing, although I major feelings for you, we were friends first and that is what is most important to me. So if something comes up, and we do not work out as expcected, promise me that we can maintain this friendship."

"I promise with all of my heart. I don't want to loose you completly if something happens."

"Good, because I Will Not loose you."

I could feel my face starting to get hot as I caught myself cracking a smile. I covered my smile with my hand because I never really liked my smile.

"Don't act like I don't see you cracking a grin over here Kat. You have a beautiful smile, don't try to hide it, especially from me."

I continued to smile bigger, and bigger. 


Austin was the greatest thing that happened to me. I do believe he is what kept me together. With my problematic parents, and the big move, I had Austin and that was all that mattered. 

As I was thinking, I received a text from Austin.

A: u free on Friday night?? :)

Me: yeah, what do you have in mind?

A: oh nothing, it's a surprise. 

Me: oh really

A: dress nice, ill pick you up at seven. see you in a few days.

Me: k.

I was very confused. What could the surprise be? I knew Austin to be the king of surprises. His mom warned me. I loved having sit down convos with her. She warned me that he would be clingy, over protective, and full of surprises. Either the best or the worst boyfriend ever. (Depending on if you're into that type of gooey gooey relationship) 

I did not know what to expect. I decided to go shopping for a nice dress though, because I was supposed to dress nice. I went shopping with Austin's friend Alex's girlfriend Sarah. She was cool, and since I was going dress shopping I figured Id call her instead of Robert or Zach. 

I eventually found a nice new outfit, and some new makeup. I was ready for Friday night!

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