Chapter 3

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So summer came, and I got out of Texas. I moved to Miami for the summer. The thing is if I do find Austin, I'll probably be just another fan to him. Just another pretty girl in the crowd, who thinks Austin is the love of her life. Just another mahomie.

Yeah, sure that TV show shout out, or whatever. That could have just been because of my encouragement. I pretty much have the final opinion on whether he should ditch Texas and go to Miami. I mean of course I would say ditch Texas, after you've been there a while you start to hate it. It's humid, the weather conditions are unpredictable and my ex-boyfriend Chad lives in Dallas. His family is originally from Michigan, but when his mom graduated she moved to Dallas. I met him because he lived in San Antonio for a few years. We dated, and when he moved we withheld a long distance relationship, until he became a dick. He's to much of a guy, drooling over every girl he sees. He doesn't even care if they're pretty or not. So yeah, I'm done with him and Texas.

Anyways back to Austin. Not Texas, but the person, the human, the really hot aspiring singer who started out on YouTube, but is lowkey ignoring me. That Austin.

What would I even do if I did happen to run into him? Catch up? 'Oh heyy Austin, how are you doing? Nope, k haven't been wonder where you were for the past few months. Funny seeing you here!'

Yeah, I don't think so.

I'll just play it cool.

I've been living with my dad for a week and I've barely left the house. I decided to go to Olive Garden, because Lord knows I love Italian food.

So I pull up into the parking lot, and follow this guy inside. He looks around my age. He holds the door for me. Wow, some people in our generation still have manners.

I turn around to say thank you and then I notice who it is.

"Kat! What are you doing in Miami?" Austin says.

"Austin, hey. I...I moved in with my dad."

"Oh that's cool, I guessed. I moved out here a few months ago after I got signed a deal with a record label."

"You did Austin? Wow! That's great."

"Yeah, um...hey I was just going to eat lunch alone, and well if you were too then maybe can just eat lunch together."

"Sure that'd be great"

"SORRY TO INTERRUPT THE LITTLE FRIENDSHIP REUNION OVER HERE BUT IS THAT TWO SEPARATE PARTIES OF ONE, OR A PARTY OF 2. IVE GOT HUNGRY PEOPLE IN HERE, COME ON NOW LOVE BIRDS. 2 or 1." Said the waitress. We hadn't noticed that as we were talking the waitress was trying to seat us.

"Well, ms. Sunshine. That'll be a table for 2. While your at it, you might want to think about your attitude, because you just scared off like 5 customers, and I can easily call your manager. Am I right? Of course I am, I'm the customer." I said with a smile.

Austin put his arm around my waist as we walked to our seat. I didn't mind at all. As a matter of fact, it felt absolutely perfect.

When we got to the table Austin and I just sat am talked. We discussed every little thing that happened from the moment we last talked. We sat there for a few hours.

That bitchy waitress kept on trying to get us to leave, but that just made us want to stay more.

"So, Austin. Do you want to come over to my place after lunch? My dad doesn't care, ams if you're free."

"Yeah, sure I'd love too."

So finally we decided to leave. That waitress sure was happy to see us go.


"Love birds huh. So someone else sees how perfect we'd be together. It's not just me." Austin said as he got into his car.

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