Chapter 2

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Austin hasn't been in class in a few weeks. I texted him a few times, no response. That's weird. He as been active on social media, just not as school. I mean he did say that he was thinking of going to Florida, or California to look for a record label to sign with in the future. I didn't think he would just disappear the next week. That's so odd. I talked to Sierra and neither her, nor her dad have an idea. He's just been absent.


As he missed more and more weeks I just tried to forget about him. That was kind of hard to do though considering I genuinely liked him. He was different a good kind of different. He wasn't your typical high school boy. He's caring, and he'll listen. When I talked to him he wasn't on his phone, or laptop, but instead he was listening. I just want to know where he is, and why he's not responding. I hope it's not because of me. I hope I didn't offend him or anything.


It's been around a month or so. He hasn't responded, so I've given up on him. I found out where he went though. He moved to Florida for a year because he got signed with a record label. That explains why he's not at school- he's being homeschooled.

I know what you're thinking. Any normal person would just go to Miami and try to find him. Last time I checked, that's where my dad was living. I don't want to just casually run into the person whom I refer to as my dad that I haven't seen in 8 years. He's basically not my dad. It's not like we could just pick up where we left off. It's not like I'm an annoying 8 year old with a crooked smile and pink cowboy boots wanting a new Barbie Doll. I'm 16, in high school, and I don't really like pink anymore. Much less Cowboy boots. (One of those weird sister gifts)

On the other hand it could be nice to go to Florida. Even if I do reunite with my dad. Heck, sense he lives there I could move in with him and get to see Austin. There goes not caring. School gets out in two months, so during the summer I'll see what I can do.

As I was thinking about all of this my TV was on Live with Kelly and Micheal. I wasn't paying attention until my train of thought was broken by "SAN ANTONIO NATIVE AUSTIN MAHONEEEEEE"

"WHAT" I yelled when he came on. Thank God my mom wasn't home because she would've come running, all worried as hell. And I don't need that.

He walked out onstage and the music wasn't playing, which was weird because he's supposed to be a singer.

"Hey guys! I'm Austin Mahone. This is my first time on TV, and well I'd like to dedicate this song to someone special. I know her from back in San Antonio and I don't know if she's watching but Katherine Morris, if you're watching this SAY SOMETHIN'"

And the music started and he started singing.

"Did he write this about me?

I have texted him.

Then it hit me. I need to go to Miami. I'm going to go contact my dad and go to Miami and meet up with Austin.

Because say what you want too, I know I've only spoken to Austin once, but he's indeed the love of my life.

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