Chapter Twenty-Four

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Luke sighed, watching Michael and Ashton from the doorway of the porch. This was the second time that they were arguing over god knows what, it started out with the fact that Ashton had been smoking a lot and by the end of it, they were full on yelling at each other about whatever. Luke didn't like seeing them fight and he absolutely hated seeing them cry-and they'd been doing that a lot lately, more than usual.

"Stop telling me what to do. I'm a fucking grown man and you're not my mother." Ashton snapped, taking another puff of his cigarette. "All I'm saying is that you're smoking too much." Michael said quietly, his bottom lip quivering. "Well stop it. Now can you just leave me alone." Ashton yelled, gripping tightly into the wooden railing of the porch. "No. I won't leave you alien because you know what'll happen if I keep quiet. This-" Michael pointed at the stick between Ashton's fingers, "is y helping anything for fucks sake. I'm just trying to help Ashton." Michael yelled back, a few warm tears falling from his green eyes. "Just stop okay, I'm fine."

"Whatever." Michael's whispered, running back into the house, bumping past Luke in the process. Ashton blinked as he realized what he just did and he ran into the house, tears falling from his own eyes as he ran in search of Michael. "Mikey wait, I'm sorry." Ashton yelled, a sob slipping from his mouth as he burst into the room that Michael had been using quiet a lot lately. "Leave me alone Ashton...please." Ashton was shocked by Michael's response, usually the black haired boy wouldn't say anything  and he'd just allow Ashton to cuddle him and they'd forget the previous events.

"Michael, mikey, baby I'm sorry." Ashton said, trying to get the door open but he couldn't, it was locked.  "Just leave me alone." Michael said through sobs. "I love you...." Ashton said but Michael didn't reply and that made Ashton cry harder as he crawled to their shared room where Luke was. The blonde sighed and turned over to face the wall. He'd barely take care of Luna in the past six months, he had his hands full with his soulmates, both Michael and Ashton were constantly fighting and crying and they both were emotionally unstable which is why Pandora and Cara took in Luna-who was now two weeks away from her first birthday. Ashton curled into a corner of the bed, he knees to his chest, crying into them. You could barely see him unless you went underneath the duvet.

Luke didn't turn over to try and comfort Ashton, he knew he'd either get yelled at, hurt or just plain ignored. Luke quietly sat up and walked to the room that Michael was in, he pushed the door open and was shocked to find Michael on the bed, pill bottle in one hand and piece of lead in the other. "Love?" Luke whispered, quietly walking closer to the boy and gently taking the bottle and lead out of Michael's hands. "I'm done, Lukey." Michael whimpered, falling into Luke. "You can't be done mikey. You-you can't do this, please don't." Luke whispered, holding the shaking boy.

Luke cupped Michael's cheeks, making the boy look at him. "You know that Ashton doesn't mean it, right ?" Michael nodded, sniffling. "You know that he's just finding the fact that you know what's going to happen if he continues with this, weird." Michael nodded again, hiding his face in Luke's neck. "I'm sorry." Michael whispered, pressing his lips to Luke's.

Ashton frantically burst into the room, he stumbles onto the bed and hugged Michael. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. So so so sorry." Ashton mumbled, rocking them back and forth. Luke sighed and kissed Ashton's temple before he grabbed the bottle of pills and the lead, walking to the bathroom and first breaking the lead into pieces and flushing it down the toilet before emptying the bottle and flushing that down too. Luke heard muffled yelling and he shook his head, going into the room, leaning against the doorframe as he watched Michael and Ashton.

"We promised each other," Michael yelled, holding onto Ashton for dear life. "I know. I know we promised each other." Ashton yelled back, "I'm sorry..." Michael said, scratching at Ashton's bare skin. "I'm sorry too..." Ashton replied, holding onto Michael.

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