Chapter Twenty-One

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Luke woke up to find Calum's scent encasing him but no Ashton and Michael. So he walked to the bathroom where he knew he'd be. He found them in the tub, in the same position that they were in before, their skin slowly shriveling up. Luke kneeled beside the tub. He saw how tightly they were holding each other, he saw how calm they were in their sleep. Luke reached out to touch Ashton's back, the honey blonde's eyes flickering open and he smiled at Luke.

"Get in." Ashton said groggily, moving over a bit so that he was on the left side of Michael's body. Luke nodded and stripped, getting into the bath, careful not to wake Michael. "Shouldn't we drain the bath ?" He whispered, laying down, allowing Ashton to wrap his arm around Luke's waist, pulling him closer. Ashton shook his head, "its fine, it doesn't matter."

Luke nodded and put his head in Michael's neck, Ashton doing the same. They fell asleep again, Ashton waking up in the middle of the night to Michael crying. "Babe ?" He said, moving up to look at Michael who hummed. "Why're you crying ?" Ashton asked,bringing his hand up to Michael's cheek. "The same reason as you." Michael whispered, closing his eyes and letting the tears flow, his hold on both Ashton and Luke tightening. Ashton ran his fingers over Michael's torso, "it's okay," he whispered. Ashton moved his lips from Michael's jaw to his cheek, letting them rest there, collecting Michael's tears. "I'm okay." Michael whispered, his voice cracking. "No you're not." Ashton said, he said if so quietly that Michael almost didn't catch it.

"I know." Michael cried, clawing at Ashton's back. "Shh, it's okay. silebit in dilectione mea." "Calm down my love." Ashton whispered. "libet hinc nobis?" "Please can we get out of here ?" Michael asked, looking into Ashton's eyes. "sive mundum, hoc balneo?" "The bathroom or this world ?" Ashton asked, "fortasse balneo mundus. hoc certum est." "the bathroom and then maybe the world. this world to be precise."

"Luke soli vos vultis abire?" "You want to leave Luke alone ?" Ashton asked, moving his hand from Luke's back and putting it on Michael's other cheek, trailing his fingers down to Michael's collarbones and then his chest, leaving them there. "non, non. non potest venire nobiscum." "No, no. He can come with us." Michael said and soon after a sob spilt from his mouth, Ashton frowned and pecked Michael's lips. "non te venimus ut proficiscaris nobiscum, non stabit in aeternum." "you know he can't come with us, we can't stay in that world forever." Ashton said closing his eyes. "I i scire scire." "I know...I know." Michael said. "Ego paenitet. Ego autem hoc difficile." "I know. I'm making this difficult for you."

"non tibi sunt. Et bene intelligunt. vos iustus volo ut facilius. aut quia non præteribit. sed sicut dixisti quisque parte fracta." "no you aren't. I understand okay. you just wish that it was easier. that you aren't or weren't broken. but like you said, everyone has their breaking point." Ashton said. He sat up and Michael frowned at the loss of his touch so he sat up as well, holding Luke up against him. The blonde opened his eyes and looked at Michael, frowning at the tears streaking Michael's face. "videre, Lukey  ut bene sit. hic enim meum suave." "See, Lukey is up as well. We're here my sweet." Ashton said, pulling Michael against him. Luke moved so that he was next to Ashton and he able to see Michael properly. "Hic ego sum." "I'm right here." Luke said, he surprised himself and the other two by speaking Latin. "Fui discere loqui." "I've been learning to speak." Luke said with a giggle, leaning forward and kissing Michael, biting on the black haired boy's lip for a second. "bonum puerum." "Good boy." Ashton praised, moving one of his hands to Luke's, intertwining their fingers. Luke smiled and turned to Michael. "What happened ?"

"denique nihil sum." "Nothing, I'm fine." Michael said, he didn't want to speak English. He wanted to speak in his mother tongue, Latin and it seemed as if Ashton felt the same way. Luke didn't mind, he'd speak as much as he could. He'd been learning and he knew a lot so far. "Denique apud nos sunt, et Latine loqui?" "Are you fine with a speaking Latin ?" Ashton asked quietly, pulling Michael's head to his chest, the black haired boy crying into his skin. "sic. sane ego sum." "Yes. Of course I am." Luke replied, putting a hand next to Michael's, linking their fingers.

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