Chapter 1

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"Oh. How could you all die? Really a shame...."

Back before any of this happened, the man would have been repulsed by the sight and feel of the metallic substance that stained his body. However that changed once he'd stopped giving a shit and gave into his desires.

The interior of the room was coated in layers of beautiful fresh blood that left messy splatters on the walls and floor in an sadistic, merciless fashion, as if whoever had made the mess had enjoyed every minute of it.  Which he had.

They wanted to prevent him from being by the one he craved, the one he loved with all his heart. The pricks had thought they could keep the superior and his subordinate apart; Stupid thinking on their part, honestly. They had been dangerous in their own ways,  and his love had to be protected.

"Look at what you made me do."

A sick, genuine smile twisted at the Lance Corporal's lips as he calmly surveyed the  macabre scene before him.

Mikasa's body was completely unrecognizable except for the scarf she wore. Her entrails had been gleefully ripped out from her body and strewn all across the room like a wild animal had stripped her skin from flesh, fresh blood spattered across her porcelain skin and her gray eyes wide and frozen in horror.

Levi had to admit she had wonderful fighting skills, but in the end she had fallen victim to Humanity's Strongest. Hm, not such a fitting title now once he thought about it.

She'd been his first victim on his list. Mainly because she was too overprotective of Eren and didn't know when to back the fuck off of what was his, and his alone. Oh, he hated her, he had hated her with a deep rooted passion and it wouldn't subside. Not unless he did something about it.

He at  first THOUGHT they were together at first from how she had acted around Eren. But thankfully, that wasn't the case.

She loved him to the point where she was obsessed with the boy, who obviously didn't return her feelings and he noticed that Eren had begged her to back off when she became too clingy.

They practically grew up together, but apparently that didn't matter to Mikasa in the slightest. It made him sick, the way..the way she looked

at what, WHO was his. But that was okay, that was okay, the bitch was long gone now.

First chapter done :) Hope u enjoyed it!

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