Chapter 2

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His expression settled back into its usual cold gaze as he walked over Armin's body, the boy's eyes frozen open in horror and his pale skin marked with his own blood that was leaking from his ruptured throat.

Armin's death...well, that was simply explained. He was close, closer to Eren than Levi could ever have been, and that had not gone over well with the officer in the slightest.

He remembered how the boy pleaded, begged for him to stop beating him up, but he wouldn't, he couldn't, not until he was dead.

The idiot had never seen it coming, too absorbed in reading one of Hanji's notes about Titans, until it was too late.

And eventually was met with a gruesome fate by impalement by Levi's blade that was supposed to be used for slaying Titans, and Titans alone. This thought caused a small chuckle of amusement to slip from his throat.

He passed by Jean's body as he brutally stepped down on his back, successfully crushing his spine under his boot as he narrowed his eyes down at him in disdain.

Kirschstein had never been a favorite of Levi; the brat was always mouthing off to him and puked up blood on his carpet after the corporal had beaten him senseless over disrespecting him not too long ago; (His new behavior had some influence.)

And then, he'd went too far, too damn far when Levi caught him harassing Eren, once again about Eren's and Mikasa's relationship; Levi hadn't cared before about Horse shit's words.

Sure, he would have just left Eren alone to fight his own battles. But...wouldn't it have been better if he stepped in just this once?

No, no, no, no, no, no...

The boy needed him. And Jean was standing in their way, the way of their intimate relationship. And he, like all the rest needed to disappear.

"....No one can take away who is rightfully mine." Levi said emotionlessly and continued on to where he had killed Hanji. Shitty glasses always did had a bit of a crush on him, and he had dimmised her attempts at flirting with him as downright annoying, even more so when he had ended up together with Eren.

Fuck, she was always...preforming her annoying experiments on him, and bothered him to the extent where he thought she'd hurt him one day. Eren said he never had a problem with her methods of experimentations; after all they were to help the scientist with her research on Titans.

But Levi knew better. He knew that one day she'd go too far and hurt the one damn thing he actually cared about in the world. Eren was all Levi had left and like hell he was going to let the boy suffer another day.
Seeing her bloodied face and the shards of glass from her glasses impaled into her eye sockets awoke something dark and twisted inside of him, not that it hadn't already been there before, but seeing the woman's broken body underneath his boot reminded him why he'd started this in the first place.
Tch.'' He spat on her corpse.

I tried to make it a bit longer! Hope u enjoyed 🤗

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