Our Little Love Story

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  • Dedicated to the first loves our hearts won't let us forget


[[A/N:: Don't forget....i l-o-v-e comments!! i'm constantly checking for new comments =) it's really the only way i know what ya'll think of the story...so PLEASE, COMMENT AWAY!! =) it really makes my day ;-) i also realize that there are some typos, etc...i write and then post chapters w/o really any editing....so please read the story for the storyline...i'll go back later when it's finished and edit the typos and things....this story is very near and dear to my <3. Thanks so much for reading, love you all!! oh, and did i mention:: don't forget to COMMENT?! ;-) that is all.]] 

They say that if something seems too good to be true, that it probably is. Many also say that nothing lasts forever; and there's no such thing as true, pure love in today's world. Of course, many also say that the heart knows what it wants; and although the mind may, that the heart never forgets. I believe the latter of those statements. It is also said that the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. This is my story. My story of the time that true love had found me.

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