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You are Dave Ben Stiller Strider and you're sitting in your Japanese class sensei talk on and on about sentence structure while you tap on your phone some new lyrics for a song you've been working on.

"Hey dude, Sensei's coming." Dirk warned so I flashed it away and looked interested while looking bored too.

"Dave-san, is there something you'd like to say?" Megido Sensei asked, she wore a dark red Chinese style dress with a bun held by a weird twist tie. She had big tits, and looked like an anime poster woman named Damara Megido.

"Not really sensei" I smirk

"Go ahead and tell the class why you were talking to Dirk-san in my class." She snapped

"Well, I asked why when you were in that long rant earlier; why'd you say 'that asshole won't be back' instead of kaerimasu, or return?" I said shrugging, "Just seems more fluid that way." I smirked

"..." She just looked at me before her deep red painted lips curled into a smile, "I think I'll like you in here..." She then turned around and went on with her lesson.

"So you're fluent huh?" Dirk grinned

"Hell yeah, Bro's all doki doki over anime and shit; he gets the original shit and won't let me use subtitles." I shrug

"Hmm, cool." He nods and goes back to drawing in his binder while I start remixing old beats I had on my phone. I glance at his drawing and holy shit, it looks like a perfect anime drawing. He's drawing himself on a flying rocket board. The thing looks like the one in his room...

"Pchoooooooo..." I whisper, knowing he'd hear me. I see him quirk a little half smile before he draws more to the side, now it looks like some robot shit or something. I shrug and go back to my beats before long the bell rings. "So where you off to next?"

"I have software programming with Mr. Captor, you have... physics. Oh but Sollux, Aradia and Karkat will be in there with you. Mrs. Captor-Pyrope is rad, in fact call her that, she'll be even chiller. And Sollux is her brother in law."

"Huh... is everyone here related to someone else here?" I asked

"Well... most of the faculty attended the same college that our Principal Mr. Hussie and Vice Principal Mr. Spades came from... he hired them all fresh out of college to start this place as an 'alternate' school. Thus the name." Dirk shrugged, "So I guess so."

"Huh, cool. How will I know who's Sollux, Aradia and Karkat?"

"Aradia and Sollux are madly in love, you'll notice them... plus Aradia's Megido Sensei's daughter. Karkat... will be grouchy and probably call you something rude." He chuckled, "He's a spunky fucker."

"Guess you're good friends with them?" I noted

"Not bffs yeeeet, I've only been in this town a month. But they're the kind of people you can be yourself around." Dirk smirks

"You just moved here too? I thought Rose and Roxy were here a while."

"I just moved in with them. Long... personal story." He nodded toward the room next to me, "Go learn and shit." He turned and flashed away in the nearly empty hallway. I shrugged and entered before I noticed, Dirk walked me to class...


I shake my head and step in the class. I look and see mostly normal kids but in the back I see a short tannish kid with messy as fuck black hair ranting at a dude wearing 3-d shades just typing away at a laptop with a busty girl leaning on his shoulder. That's gotta be them. I see the teacher and she's red shades and a long teal shirt, black pants with red tennis shoes. She's dressed really casual compared to Megido-Sensei. "Sup new kid! I'm your physics teacher, we're doing aerodynamics right now so kick back and relax!"

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