I didn't want to marry you but, if I get away from my parents, I'll even have your baby.

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I went downstairs and tried not to smile. My parents were sitting at the table.

I put it in front of them and my mom picked it up.

She almost smiled and handed it back to me.

"She's not pregnant." she said quietly.

"You better not be." my dad warned. He stood up and grabbed his keys. "I have to leave." he walked out the door and I yawned.

"I'm going back to bed." I went upstairs and got in bed. I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I was burning and sweating. I took off my clothes and kicked off the blankets.

I sighed and tried to fall back asleep.

I couldn't.

I rolled over on my side and breathed in and out slowly.

When I couldn't fall asleep I groaned and got out of bed. I put on a big t-shirt and walked quietly downstairs.

I looked in the pantry for something I could heat up easily. I found the noodles in a cup and went back in the kitchen.

After the soup was made I went back into my room and sat against my headboard watching TV until I fell asleep.

The next morning, well afternoon, I showered and went downstairs.

My parents were eating lunch at the table. They looked at me and the third chair scooted out.

"Have a seat." my father said and flipped through the newspaper.

"I'll get you something to eat." my mom said and stood up.

I stared at the table and a wave of fatigue came over me and I propped myself up with my elbow.

My mom set a plate of spaghetti in front of me with a glass of water.

"Thanks." I mumbled and started eating.

About halfway though my meal I got sick. I pushed the plate away and gagged.

My mom jumped up and hurried me away from the table only to have me puke all over the hall way floor. It's a good thing we have tile.

I leaned over and groaned. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's not your fault." she pulled my hair back. "Go lie down and I'll get this cleaned up."

I nodded and went back to my room. I rinsed my mouth out and laid back in bed.

I heard the phone ring and a muffled voice. I closed my eyes and someone opened the door.

"Alex, are you awake?" my mom asked.

I nodded.

"Drew is on the phone." she handed it to me.

I put it to my ear.

"Alex?" he asked.

"Hey." I whispered.

"Is everything okay?" I could hear voices on the other line.

"Yeah, I'm just sick." I cleared my throat.

"With what?"

"I guess the stomach bug." I sniffled. "I miss you."

"I miss you too."

I sighed. "I want you to be here with me."

"I want to be there too."

"Why does my dad get to come home but you can't?"

"I don't know, but I'll be home in a few weeks."

I started crying. "I hate this!"

"I do too baby. I want to come him and I want to finally be able to be a married couple."

"Me too." I sighed and wiped my face.

"Don't cry, I love you."

"I love you too." I said and then yawned.

"I have to go, but I'll try calling you in a few days."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up the phone and set it behind me.

My mom picked it up and put it on the side table.

"Mom?" I whispered.


I turned over and put my head in her lap. "I want him to come home." I started crying again.

She brushed my hair from my face and kissed my forehead. "I know, sweetheart."

"Why can't we be together?" I whispered.

"I don't know." she said just as quietly.

She combed my hair with her fingers and let me cry on her leg until I fell asleep.

I didn't want to marry you but, if i get away from my parents, I'll even have your baby.Where stories live. Discover now