Chapter Eight: Connection

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*Chapter Eight: Connection*

That night, Alex Skype called Conner. They didn’t have rehearsal until next week, but she was extremely nervous to have to act like she was in love with Jace. Conner’s face popped up on her laptop screen and she smiled slightly at his big grin. “Hey there Cossette.”

“Why did you pick me to be Cossette?” she got right to business, “Why not Amelia? They have a better connection…”

“Whoa, okay, hi there. What’s going on?” She sighed, putting her head in her hands. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she attempted to lie. “Oh please,” he said, rolling his eyes, “You wouldn’t be talking to me right now if there was nothing wrong. If you just wanted to complain about having to be in love with him you’d wait until Saturday. I know you better than you think.”

“…If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?” He nodded, suddenly serious. “Well… I spent the night at Caleb’s last night, and I talked to Jace and well… we slept together…”

“You guys what? Doesn’t he have a girlfriend?!”

“Yeah, he does… But it was a mistake, it’ll never happen again! I was just having a bad night and he was there…”

“Alex, you were a virgin! Obviously it meant something! You want to know why we picked you to be Cossette?”


“It was because we could see that you two had a connection that he and Amelia didn’t have. You guys… you looked at each other, and we could see the love and passion in your eyes. You guys fit the couple roll better than he and Amelia did. So don’t tell me that that meant nothing, because I fucking know it meant more than that.” And then his face was gone. It took her a minute to realize that he had exited out. She groaned, crawling into her bed. Now one of her best friends was pissed at her. Why the hell did she sleep with him? Obviously all that was going to happen was drama. He had a girlfriend and she was a virgin. They were both morons. Just then, as if on cue, Caleb called her. “Hey,” she said, trying to sound normal. If Caleb found out Jace took his best friend’s virginity and cheated on his girlfriend, Jace would be a dead man and Caleb would never talk to her again.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” She shrugged, and then realized he couldn’t see her. “I’m fine I guess. I’m just kind of getting over the shock… I have to kiss him, don’t I?”

“Well it’s not like you haven’t before.”

 “Shut up. You talk now.” She smiled slightly as he told her a story of something stupid Drew did in class that day. She thought sleeping with him would make her feel better, but ever since she just felt empty. Maybe the feeling would go away soon.

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