Chapter Seven: Why do you have my shirt in your hand?

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*Chapter Seven: Why do you have my shirt in your hand?*

“Hey, wake up,” was the first thing she heard from Caleb the next day. She groaned, rolling over to face him. “Can’t I just stay here?”

“You know my mom would kill both of us.” She nodded in agreement. Caleb handed her an AC/DC shirt and she smiled at him in thanks. She had a pair of black leggings with her, and that would be something she’d normally wear so people wouldn’t think she'd had a one-night stand or something ridiculous. “I’m going to go take a shower,” she said through a yawn. He nodded and she headed to the bathroom, still in pain between her legs from the night before. Just as she was leaving, another door opened. It was Jace’s door. They made eye-contact, and she quickly shut Caleb's door so she could walk over to him. “Okay, last night never happened,” she said, “We still hate each other, you never cheated, everything is okay.”

“Yeah, got it. But why do you have my shirt in your hand?” She looked at the shirt, and realized that, of course, Caleb doesn’t like AC/DC, he wouldn’t have the shirt. “I needed clothes, Caleb gave this to me. He figured this would look more normal on me than any of his clothes.”

“Fine. Just don’t give it back afterwards. I don’t want to wear something that’s touched you.” And he walked away, just like that.  She huffed, going into the bathroom. That boy would be the death of her.

“So, are you guys excited for the cast list to come up?” their dad asked them at breakfast. All of their family was involved in the drama department; even their parents did tech-crew stuff. They all nodded, and to continue the conversation, Alex said, “I really hope I’m Cossette or Eponine. Either way it’s the biggest part I’ve ever gotten.”

“Well, you deserve it, honey.” They finished eating breakfast and then left for school. The first thing they all did was walk to the choir room to look at the cast list. Jace was being really quiet, probably because he felt guilty about what happened. “I can’t look,” Alex said, standing next to it, not facing it. “Okay, I’ll look first,” Lucas said. He looked at it, and smiled. “I got in! I’m a choir member but I got in!” The three brothers hugged, cheering.

“Okay, I’ll look next,” Jace said, stepping up. He grinned, although after what Mrs. Ferris told him he wasn’t too surprised. “I got Marius.” They did another celebration hug, and then Alex pushed Caleb up to the list. He grinned. “I’m Enjolras!” He was the one who was sort of the leader of the revolution.

“Your turn,” Caleb said, a smile on his face. She sighed, and stepped in front of the cast list, finally looking.

 “I… I got Cossette.”

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