Chapter Five: You talked to her and none of us?

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*Chapter Five: You talked to her and none of us?*

“Conner, what the hell are you doing here, man?” Jace questioned, opening his arms for a hug. Conner and Alex untangled themselves so he could hug Jace. “And why are you hugging that thing?

“God Jace, you’re such an ass,” Amelia rolled her eyes, before smiling at Conner and hugging him. “I’ve come to help with the musical. But nobody but Alex knows so this is going to be a secret, okay?” They both nodded, Jace hugging Conner again.

“Well, I’m going to go,” Alex said awkwardly. “I’ll talk to you tonight, I guess, Conner.” He smiled, waving goodbye at her. She walked out, only to be followed by Jace. He gave Amelia a quick hug before taking after Alex. “Wow, look who’s busy all of a sudden,” he said, smirking. She turned to him, shoving him and causing him to stumble back a few steps. People to turned around to stare. “You kissed me, remember?” she whispered, “And there is nothing going on between Conner and me, you fucking know that we’re just friends!”

“Sure didn’t look like it. You guys were pretty close.” She glared at him. “What do you fucking want?” He turned serious suddenly. “You’re not going to tell Amelia about what happened, are you?”

“No. Why would I?”

“I don’t know, but you probably would.”

“No, if you have a girlfriend that means you’ll be out of the house more. I can finally escape you!”

“Oh yeah, it totally seems like you wanted to escape me.” She rolled her eyes, not bothering to reply as she walked into Drama III. He just smirked and walked away. Caleb gave her a confused look as she sat down next to him. “What was that about? First you disappear and then I see you with Jace?” She shrugged nonchalantly. “I just needed some alone time and then your brother found me. No big deal.” He turned away and she smiled to herself, thinking about Conner. The first few weeks of school without him were weird. She was used to seeing him at least once every few days, even in the summer. It sucked not being able to see him in person. Now she would, even if it was just every weekend.

That day during lunch, the first thing she saw was Amelia squealing and hugging Jace. “It looks like he finally asked her to be his girlfriend,” Caleb said, rolling his eyes. “Only took a year…” Alex laughed, but really she felt sick to her stomach. Was her kissing really that bad that it made him realize he wanted to date Amelia exclusively? “I’m going to go talk to them, okay?” Caleb said. She nodded, and got into the extremely long lunch line. She watched as Caleb and Jace greeted each other with a hug, as usual. Amelia was staring at Jace with a dreamy expression on her face. Alex rolled her eyes, taking out her phone and acting like she was doing something.

That day, when Alex, Caleb, and Drew went to the choir room, where they did play auditions, pretty much everyone was surrounding Conner. “CONNER?!” the two boys yelled, running over to him. She smiled, looking at his wide eyes. Conner never really understood why he was so popular, but it was because he was the best and funniest actor in the school. Everyone loved Conner, even if you weren’t into theater.

“Why are you not freaking out?” Drew questioned her. She giggled, “He came and talked to me this morning.”

“WHAT? YOU TALKED TO HER AND NONE OF US?” Conner looked at him innocently, scratching the back of his head. “Hm?” Alex smiled, going over and hugging Conner again. She really missed him. He then explained to everyone how he was coming down every weekend to help with those rehearsals, considering they had five hour rehearsals most Saturdays.

That year for the musical they were doing Les Miserables. It was one of her favorite musicals and she was so excited when she found out they were doing that. Basically, for the audition process they had to sing a song and do a scene from it. They paired up with someone and the scene they got depended on what gender the two were. Alex and Caleb were together, of course, and Drew found one of their guy friends to be with. They had to do some romantic scene between Cosette and Marius, which was surprisingly not awkward for them. Then she had to sing “On My Own”. Finally, when everyone was done, Conner and their drama teacher, who was the director, were whispering something together. “Okay, one more group we need to do a scene together to help us decide something… Alex and Jace. Everyone else can go.” They waited for everyone to leave, before speaking. “Okay, Jace, we’ve decided you’ve got Marius. But we need to see who is better for Cossette, Alex or Amelia, so I want you two to do the same scene together. The other girl will be Eponine.”

 They did the scene, pretending to be all in love, which was pretty difficult considering she wanted to strangle him more and more every minute she looked at him. When they were finished, the two kept on their poker faces and just said, “Thank you,” so Alex really had no idea how they did. The drama teacher, Mrs. Ferris, suddenly did a gesture that completely confused Alex, until she noticed that Amelia and Caleb were pressing their faces against the window and she was telling them to come in. As soon as she walked in, Jace walked over and kissed Amelia quickly before wrapping her in a hug. He wasn’t exactly sure who he was trying to prove something to, Mrs. Ferris and Conner, Alex, or himself.

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