The Good Earth

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The Good Earth    -     Pearl S. Buck

by sloanranger

With his father, Wang lived in a hovel,

star of this ground-breaking novel.

Couldn't have worked harder,

a plain Chinese farmer

and his wife, O-lan, quite docile.

Their fortunes waxed and they gained,

Wang bought land, time and again.

When starvation came,

no one was to blame -

went south, looked for work to claim.

Taking scrapes from the rich man's table,

they lived the timeless fable -

until revolution

provided solution,

and return to the land was enabled.

I promise you won't find it boring,

it shows China in all her glory.

An epic tale,

the people prevail,

I think you will like this story.

My love of the Earth from came from nature, but it was formalized by 2 books: The Good Earth and Gone With The Wind.

Pearl Buck was an incredible woman, as even a slight perusal of any biography of her will show. I was fortunate as a very young girl to be among a group of students that  got to hear her speak. She was trying to raise money for her Amerasian Children's Group - children fathered by American soldiers and at that time unwanted by either the Asians or the Americans.

I wrote a very short story (a page & a paragraph), called 'Affirmation,' about this, posted here on WP.

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