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Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood

Dark is the only way I could describe the world. In my world, every day was night. These days slowly passed by, all blending together making it hard to decipher what had happened or when it had happened.

I got up this morning as per usual, putting on my work clothes and walked down to the cafe I currently work at.

The bell rang signaling that I had walked inside and the old lady who ran it greeted me. I gave her a silent head nod in return and grabbed my apron, tying it around my waist. A thump was heard upstairs, shaking the ceiling. I furrowed my brows in confusion. The company that worked above the cafe was always quite loud. However, I had never actually seen anyone who worked there.

All I knew was that their line of business was quite dangerous. Before I was hired the cafe was ransacked before the company above was shot up by the mafia.

I shivered at the thought of something bad happening while I worked here but, shook away the bad thoughts.

"Could you please scrape the gum off of the bottom of the tables dear? These darn teenagers have never seen a trash can before apparently." She jokingly said. The old woman then disappeared once again.

"M'kay." I replied, grabbing a scrape iron to pick away at the hardened gum. Climbing underneath the table, I attempted to sit in a comfortable position while I chipped away at the disgusting wads of gum. I tried not to think of how dirty the gum chewers' mouths could have been.

Suddenly, the cafe's bell rang, startling me. My body immediately tensed of the thought of having to help a customer without the old lady's help and it resulted in me banging my head on the table rather harshly.

At least I broke the loop of the day by being a total klutz.

"Ow." I hissed in pain.

"Are you okay?" A smooth voice questioned. I crawled out from beneath the table, the stranger grabbed me gently and helped me to my feet. I was then rested on a chair near the table. I shook my head, answering their question.

"Please hold on for a moment!" he said worriedly. I sighed and rested my pounding head on the table. I then heard quick footsteps nearing me once again and felt a cold compress touch my head. I jumped at the touch but then relaxed once again.

I opened my [e/c] eyes and met his gaze. Purple with yellow surrounding the bottom. I was taken back by the uniqueness of his eyes, the result of sectoral heterochromia.

"May I examine your wound?" He questioned. I cowered away from him as he neared me once more. He flinched then pulled away which was odd. "I'm sorry. I'll give you your space."

I moved closer to the boy, taking off the compress revealing my head with confidence.

He then smiled. It was the most wonderful thing I had ever seen. Everything had become light as day. He leaned down and brushed some of my [h/l] hair aside to see the damage. His short bangs that were previously swept aside now hung over his eyes, forcing him to occasionally pull them back to their position.

"You seem to have just a bump but, you should probably take it easy today despite your injury not being serious." He advised. "Oh, my name's Atsushi by the way." the light gray haired boy said. "And you are?"

I felt my stomach lurch at the sudden question.

"[Y/n]." I replied with zero confidence.

"[Y/n]." he repeated as if he was trying to match my face with this name.

My name left his lips and his pale cheeks tinted pink. He then shifted his gaze and his sparkling eyes widened.

"Oh god I'm late!" Atsushi exclaimed worriedly. "It was nice meeting you [Y/n]!" He shouted as he hurriedly ran upstairs.

I was left a flustered mess. My heart was beating unusually fast and my breathing was a bit more harsh than normal.

What was this feeling?

Cry Baby (Atsushi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now