The End

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Danielle sat at the counter sipping on a bottle of beer thinking about the text message she just received containing the picture of her husband being kissed by a man she happened to know very well.

Of course the photo could be photo shopped or real but she will not be able to tell unless she confronted Louis and have him confess.

But what if it is a fake photo and she decided to confront Louis? Will he deny it? Because if he does she's sure that will give rise to accusations of her being mistrustful. Maybe he will finally become tired of her constant nagging and snap, she thought.

Yes Danielle knew the connection was no longer there between her and Louis but why would he hook up with someone else? A man of all persons. Oh god she's practically married to a man who happens to like it up the ass.

The alcohol bubbled in her veins mixing with her blood and affecting her nervous system allowing anger to leak its way into her as every thought ran through my mind.

He could have at least spoken to her about it first before going ahead. Maybe she would have been able to talk it out of him. But as she took another sip of the bitter liquid it was clear she was becoming tipsy and knew that she needed to stop. This was the second bottle and knowing that she has a low alcohol tolerance wasn't making the situation any better.

Should she confront him about this or not? The thoughts continued to flow while she takes continuous sips from the beer bottle.

And just when the good part of Danielle's brain was telling her not to confront him, a car pulled up in the couple's drive way followed by a few loud laughs. The last time Louis had laughed like that was probably just after the birth of their second son when he tried to crawl under the dining table but got stuck between two of the chairs.

Danielle stepped out of the chair and went over to the window to look out at the sight before her eyes that made her heart turned cold as ice. She watched as the picture sent to her by Jenna was being played out except it was in reverse with Louis leaning over the from the passenger front seat to kiss Harry on his cheek. Danielle heard her boys fake gagging in the back while Harry's little girl Dorothy giggled.

No way was she allowing her son's to be exposed to all this gay nonsense. A confrontation was definitely going to happen.

Moving away from the window Danielle hurried to get rid of the two beer bottles before heading upstairs to brush her teeth and take a bath to prepare for bed.

Louis and the boys entered the house just as she turned on the shower. Stepping under the hot droplets of water she allowed her mind to roam free, contemplating exactly how  to confront her husband in a sophisticated manner.


Louis couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he entered the house with the two boys holding onto his hands tightly.

It was not his intention to kiss Harry goodbye on the cheek but he looked so cute and flustered when they went into that awkward silence that he just had to. Now that he had done it, he couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering in his stomach.

"Alright boys, I'm going to take a bath then come make you both dinner okay?" Louis asked Westly and Oscar after they completely took off their shoes.

"Yes Daddy," they both replied in union making Louis smile at the little innocent cuteness they had.

"Very well then, I'm sure you both know what to do now yes?"

Once again both boys nodded before running off to the bathroom upstairs that was between their rooms while Louis went to put the groceries away. It took him two minutes in total before he began to climb the stairs lazily removing his shirt. The Curly hair man was still in his head, swarming every decent thought with sexual ones.

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