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'The best things in life come when you least expect it.'

Harry had always believed that.

When he was 7 and his family were struggling with money problems his parents told him they wouldn't be able to afford many presents and to prepare himself for that but on the morning of his birthday when he went downstairs there was the bright red bike with a big bow on the front. There was nothing else but Harry loved the bike and uses it for years until it was far too small for him and his grandparents bought him a new one, that's where his love for the outdoors stemmed from.

He had no idea how they did it but they did and Harry was super grateful for that.

Another time was when he got his GCSE results. He had studied so hard for his maths exam but when it came to the actual day he found it super difficult and though he had failed. But when he opened the letter which held his future he was happily surprised to see in big bold font the letter 'B' printed next to where it said Maths.

But the most amazing thing that had happened when he least expected it was his daughter.

His little Dorothy Auden Bradbury-Styles.

It was Christmas Day when Harry and Eric got the call from the adoption agency.

The pair were close to giving up hope as it had been almost a year since they first signed up for the service but that one call restored all the hope they had when they first started their search.

He looked over to his little girl sat on the floor reading her reading book allowed to him and he was thankful for the unexpected call.

"Come on Dori. Time for school." He said once she got to the end of the page she was reading.

"Okay, daddy." She smiled, her ashy blonde hair in two small pigtails on the top of her head.

When he looked at his little girl he always got the feeling of complete love and adoration. He didn't know if he could feel like that after Jamie.

Jamie was his fiancé.

The day of Dorothy's birth was the 19th of April at 11AM, exactly. Harry and Jamie were both at work that day so when Jamie got the call he ran to his car and called his boyfriend. Harry took a couple of times to answer because he wasn't supposed to have his phone on at work but once Jamie got ahold of him he rushed out the exciting information. The postmortem concluded that he must have been distracted from the road with the excitement of everything.

Jamie got into a crash. A terrible, horrific, head on collision with a lory that killed him instantly.

The thing is Harry didn't know until he had arrived at the hospital. Before they let him go into the room where his daughter was being cared for by nurses, he was taken into the friends and family room in the A&E department where he was told the devastating news.

He didn't meet Dorothy until a couple of days after, in the end. They didn't let him. He was told to go home and be around loved ones as he wasn't in a fit state to care for a new born baby, which he excepted.

"Daddy, can you do up my shoes please?" Dorothy asked as he entered the porch after collecting her school bag and lunch box.

"Of course darling."

When Harry held her in his arms for the first time it was like all his other worries from the events that had gone on all melted away from his brain. She grounded him and made him sane again.

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