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"So what draws you to men then?" Harry asked with a smirk on his face.

He was drunk.

Well they both were.

They were getting into the cab that they had called just ten minuets earlier and the convocation had turned rather flirty on Harry's part.

"I don't even know. They're just handsome and I kind of just want to try it and see what its like you know?" Louis wasn't trying to subconsciously ask harry to make out with him.

Not at all.

"Oh that was definitely the turning point for me." Harry bit his lip remembering the first time he had an encounter with a man. It was in the school toilets after the last bell of the day had sounded. Both him and the guy he was with were questioning their sexuality and so they decided they would suck each other off and go from there.

Harry discovered he was gay, the other guy bi.

Both boys enjoyed it.

Harry went on to tell Louis about the evens of that afternoon in the toilet and it just ended up working both boys up.

By the time they got to Harry's house both boys were in need of another stiff drink.

Harry went to the fridge to grab them a beer each while Louis sat on the sofa thinking through what he was going to do with himself after tonight. Things weren't going how he predicted in the slightest.

When Harry came back into the room he handed him a beer without saying anything. He then sat right next to him on the sofa.

Louis looked up to him for a moment before taking a big swig of his beer and mumbling something along the lines of "Fück it."

He chucked his beer carelessly onto the coffee table, luckily it didn't spill. He then grabbed Harry by the back of his neck and he started to make out with him.

Lips and teeth were clashing all over the place but it was so hot neither of them cared.

Both the men's minds were racing. Neither one cared how desperate they were coming across because the sexual tension had been building up all night. Even if neither of them registered it as being sexual.

After a minuet or so Harry pulled back. "Fück, your good." Louis looked into his eyes for a split second before going back to his lips.

Both were feeling lust burn in their lower abdomens and they knew that it wasn't going to end there.

"Lou. Louis." Harry pulled away again and stopped Louis from continuing.

"I'm sorry. Did I go too far?" He asked.

"No, I just need your lips on my cöck instead." Harry's breathing was harsh and heavy but he was so turned on he couldn't have cared less.

"I don't know how to." He was panting like Harry.

"Just do what you think will make me feel good." Louis then nodded and got onto the floor in front of the sofa he was previously sat on.

He then watched Harry pull his trousers down to his ankles then get kicked off.

When Louis looked at the hard bulge in Harry's pants he swallowed hard. He was kind of scared but he knew this would give him a solid answer to the questions rolling round his head.

He reached out and rested his palm on H's cöck before slowly applying pressure which caused Harry to let out a long breath through his nose.

"Come on Lou." Harry encouraged eagerly.

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