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When Harry woke up on Tuesday morning the first place his mind went was to the man he had met the day before. He still didn't know his name, as he was so rude and hadn't told Harry, but he knew he was probably Danielle's husband or boyfriend.

H couldn't help but remember the way he looked so sexy casually relaxing on the bench he was sat on. His suit was all ruffled from working all day and his tie was hanging from his pocket.

In two words? Daddy AF.

Harry and Danielle weren't really the kind of friends to talk about all their private lives and everything. They were there to chat to each other when they had no one else to talk to. Pretty much like Harry's Secondary school friends.. But we don't need to get into that.

There were two quite knocks on H's bedroom door and he sat up in bed knowing that his Dorothy was at his door probably wanting breakfast. "Yes Darling?" He called out.

Dori then lightly pushed the door to open it and she came wandering in with her hair messy, a tired look on her face and her little stuffed lamb, lambie, in her hand.

"Daddy, can I have some breakfast please?" Her voice was rough but still perfectly angelic as always.

"Of course my lovely." I looked at the clock next to my bed to see it was slightly earlier than normal 6:38 AM instead of the normal 7:00 AM when Harry usually had to wake poor Dori up.

"Do you want me to make you a Nuttella waffle?" Harry got out of bed, chucked a pair of joggers on and picked Dorothy up taking her down stairs.

"Yes please daddy!" After going to a restaurant in their town centre called 'Creams' where they both had Nuttella waffles they both love them and every so often, when they had a bit more time on their hands, Harry made them for the both as either breakfast or pudding.

Yes, it was unhealthy but damn was it yummy!

Once Harry made them their food they sat and ate then they both got ready for the day ahead.

Louis, on the other hand, had a chaotic morning.

Danielle decided to stay the night at her grandmothers and said she wouldn't be back till the weekend. Apparently the fall was a bit worse than they had thought and she had a concussion or something so the doctors said that it would be best if Danielle stayed with her for a few days just to make sure there was no lasting damage.

Louis couldn't care less. He was just happy he had some time with his lads to play footie and help with their homework and be a dad instead of just someone who turned up at dinner time and tucked them in at night.

That's how Louis felt his roll as a dad was at the moment.

In the last few months Louis had been spending more and more time at work. He would stay in the office till gone 7PM simply because he didn't want to go back to his cold, sad home.

Sure his children brought light and joy to the house but Danielle was very strict on their homework and made sure that every night after dinner they did their home work and read before going to bed so he didn't really get to spend time with them.

Louis always said when he was little that he didn't want to be strict on that sort of thing, like his mum was, as he missed out on a lot of quality time playing around in the local park with his friends. Those are the sort of memories you can't get back.

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