Two Can Play This Game - Chapter 15

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++++ Ashton’s POV ++++

Well done Ashton. You were meant to stay away from her, not kiss her into oblivion. Luke is going to kill me. she’s bound to tell him, why wouldn’t she? I ran my hands through my curls trying to calm my nerves. I can’t go back in there, not after that. I know for a fact she didn’t believe that I was sorry, I didn’t give her an explanation ... but to be honest I just wanted to kiss her. I didn’t want to talk ... I just wanted her. I’m going to end up hurting her more than I already have done, and as for Luke ... I just hope he doesn’t find out.

I waited in the hall for a little until I gained the courage to walk back into the lounge, avoiding Wren’s gaze. Michael’s hand was already deep inside the popcorn bowl, devouring every crumb in his hand. He reached for more when Wren stopped him.

“Michael save some for everyone else.” She chuckled, her angelic laugh flooding the room. No. No Ashton you can’t think like this anymore, you can’t.

I smiled at Luke who smiled in return. The film dragged on but it finally ended, this was my chance to escape for a little.

“Guys I’m going to the shop, does anyone want anything?” I asked

“Yes, Wren can you go with him, and get my usual?” Luke asked with a smile

“Can’t you just tell Ashton what you want?” she asked, so she is avoiding me, I guess this will make moving on a little easier.

“I don’t want to explain it takes too much effort, you already know what I want.” He said waving her off. She rolled her eyes then got up,

“Come on then.” She said nodding at the door.

++++ Wren’s POV++++

Luke was always the one to drop me in it, I know he had no idea about what happened today but it feels like he’s taunting me, like he wants me to admit something. I walked out into the biting air, wrapping myself in my warm scarf and coat. Ashton was a little ahead, his hands in his pocket and a beanie covering his mousey curls. I wasn’t trying to avoid him at all today, I just wanted to think about my feelings. I always felt like a kiss like that would feel a little more special than it did, maybe because it was forced upon me.

Ashton turned to look at me, he seemed to be avoiding my gaze.

“What?” I whispered

“We’re here.” He stated. I hadn’t noticed. I was too caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed that we managed to walk ten minutes without sharing a word ... until now. Ashton opened the door, a small bell above the door ringing signalling there was a customer. We walked our own ways, I walked to the chocolate section and tried to find Luke’s chocolate bar he wanted. I picked up a bar then went to find Ashton, he was nowhere to be seen. I walked around the shop until I found him standing, looking out of the window, drawing small patterns in the steamed window.

“Have you found anything?” I asked causing him to jump slightly

“Uh ... I’m not hungry anymore.” He stated walking to the counter “You paying?”

I nodded placing the bar on the counter, I paid then walked out of the shop, back into the freezing weather. Again Ashton had waltzed further in front of me trying to ignore any form of socialisation.

When we got back home the boys were all huddled under the blanket smiling at the screen.

“We’re watching Titanic.” Calum smiled throwing his hands in the air.

“I didn’t think that was your kind of thing.” I commented walking into the lounge, Luke’s bar in hand.

“Thank you.” he giggled taking the bar.

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