"You Do Care." - Chapter 7

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I’m listening to Pierce The Veil – Caraphernelia whilst I’m writing this, it’s safe to say its distracting me ... a lot.

So i'm sorry about the long update wait, writers block sucks, but i updatd once more hoping it will work. I'm finding it a little harder to write constantly now seeing as i have exams and shizz coming up, but i'll try!

It's my birthday Saturday jhgfjghfghfjf and I'm getting a Pierce The Veil shirt :o gfgfgfbgfbgjfggfjfjbgjfgfbgfgbfgfcgfjgfjbgfgjfgfbghgtgrgdxbghfhgydxgyrg  

Anyway, on with the story and hope you enjoy :')

The boys had been away for around two months now, and college was going well.  I’ve been studying hard for the past two months, wanting to get the best grades. Mum and I had come to an ‘agreement’ that if I did well I could go on tour with the boys for the remaining time they had left.

Of course I upped my game and did my best, gaining the best grades I could. Mum was proud and allowed me to visit. Now I’m just waiting for mum to pick me up to take me there for a while.

The alarm buzzed at 3AM, letting me know I had just over an hour before mum came to pick me up. I waltzed out of bed, not needing a shower seeing as I went later the night before. I yawned stretching quickly before opening my wardrobe, the clothes almost exploding out. I needed to get rid of some, but they all brought so many memories of home I never had the heart to throw them.

I put on some high waist shorts along with a Sleeping With Sirens shirt, Luke’s to be exact, with some combat boots. Last year for my 15th birthday I had tons of band merch, meaning I basically live in them. Luke and I both like the same music and bands, meaning we would share band merch. In this case I’ve taken his Sleeping With Sirens shirt. I chuckled to myself before adding a bit of makeup, foundation, eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. I spritsed some perfume before trotting down the stairs. I brought my suitcases down the night before hoping to save me some time to do other things.

I walked into the kitchen and reached for a cup and added a tea bag. Cup of tea is one of my favourite drinks, I never miss a cup. I walked to the fridge inspecting the small magnets that were placed there. Because of Luke’s constant touring he’s visited hundreds of different countries, our fridge is proof. It’s full of magnets, and a new one added to the clique: Vegas. I smiled to myself before opening the fridge and bringing the milk out. I waited for the kettle to boil, flicking through my twitter.

@Luke5sos – Finally get to see @Wren_Hemmings again after two months <3 x

I retweeted it before looking through Michael’s twitter. My heart sunk at the images shown. Him and another girl, his arm wrapped around her shoulder as she’s leaning up for a kiss. Even though he’s away now he was dedicated to me, he asked me to be his girlfriend, he was supposed to be committed, like I was. I felt the tears appear as I looked through more of his tweets, he keeps tweeting a girl called Autumn Cascade. I thought the kiss meant something to him, I thought I meant something to him ... clearly I didn’t.

By now the kettle had boiled, I made myself some tea hoping to forget all of this and it’s probably just a misunderstanding. The doorbell rung throughout the house, as I jolted to the door opening it quickly to reveal a rather tired mum.

“Morning.” I smiled

“Morning.” She groaned

“Mum, come on you should be awake by now.” I chuckled opening the door wide allowing her in.

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