Chapter 13

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*Blaine's P.O.V*
My breathing had finally slowed down and I started to scan the area around me. We were inside an abandoned crematorium with cobwebs and leftover gurneys. "This is so cliché." I muttered and started to walk around, this place looked nothing like the room nate was in. "This isn't the right place." I sighed and waited for the flash to stop zooming around.

I felt myself get picked up and this time I held my breath. We stopped abruptly and he set me down. Ths building was much bigger and had multiple rooms. "Stay here I'm gonna search the building." He ran off before I could comprehend what he had said. It took a second but he came back with another flash drive in his hands and a grim look on his face.

"He was here but there was only a chair, a broken camera.. and this flash drive." The flash said softly as if he thought it would keep me calm. "We.. we were so close. We found the building and then he just takes him somewhere else! What the hell is his plan I don't understand!" I screamed already knowing part of the answer. He wants to make me suffer, he wants me angry but why? Does he thinks I'll lose control? Or is he after rather flash also? I had so many questions swimming around my head and no more tears to shed.

Instead of freaking out anymore I took a deep breath and said, "Let's go back to the lab Kay flash?" He nodded and picked me up bridal style. "We'll find him that I promise you." He said with sincerity and after that we were already back in the lab, and back to square one.

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