Chapter 12

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*Blaine's P.O.V*
It has been two days since nate had been kidnapped and the police had found no leads or reason for his kidnapping. I was washing dishes and trying to stay calm. "Blaine do you think they'll find nate so we can play again?" Lucy's lip quivered and I smiled softly leaning down, "If the police don't find him I will ok? I promise." "Pinky promise?" She asked and held her pinky out to me. "Pinky promise."

She gave me a small smile and walked outside, "blaine don't make promises you can't keep." I turned around and glared, "I never break a promise and I'm not gonna start now." Leo raised his hands a  surrendering motion. "I'm just trying to help." I scoffed,"Doubting the police and I doesn't help." He puffed his cheeks and nodded, "I'm know, I'm sorry." I sighed and leaned against the sink.

"Leo I'm sorry too I just... I don't know what to do. It's been two days and theres absolutely nothing to lead us to him." He leaned against the counter and held up a finger, "Maybe we could track down the flash?"

"But we don't know where to--- you know where his hideout is don't you?" He nodded and smiled mischievously, "yep, let's go."

"But what a-" "Helena can take care of the kids for a day."

Helena please forgive and don't fire me...

*****Time Skip cause yeah******
"S.T.A.R labs really? That's honestly kind of obvious..." I trailed off feeling a little stupid. I felt a rush of air and was suddenly inside of a prison like cell. "Uh leo? What the heck?" I heard Leonard yelling and another man yelling back." I groaned and sat on the floor pouting like a kid. "I really don't have time for this! I need to look for nate you assholes!" The yelling stopped abruptly and leo and a dude with longish hair walked in. The stranger pressed a button on some sort of keypad and the door opened.

I jumped and stalked out, leo and the random guy backed up slightly as I found my way into this huge room with multiple computer monitors and labs. "Dang this place is huge." "That's what she said." I turned around and rolled my eyes at the long haired dude. "My name is cisco by the way."

"Well cisco you have a naughty mind you nasty." He chuckled and I smiled sarcastically, "Can you help us? I'm trying to find nate. We foster him at our orphanage. Please?" I begged and he gave me a look of sympathy and nodded, "of course." Two other people walked in and I looked at them with hope. One was the flash and the other was a blonde woman. "We'll be here to help too," the blonde said enthusiastically. I felt an uplifting sensation and leo lightly grabbed my hand. I looked around at the people around me and smiled softly, "thanks guys."

"You have no idea how much this means to me."


Nothing, they had also found nothing.  Whoever had taken nate was able to get in and out without a single person to notice. "The kidnapper may have been a speedster." The flash said uncertainly from the corner of the room. "Then why the blood? If he's a speedster why hurt the kid? Is he trying to send a message?" Caitlyn the blonde woman theorized not knowing her words made me more anxious the longer they went on.

"That's really not helping me cope right now." I huffed and crossed my arms. I noticed I sounded like a brat and uncrossed them a moment later and ran my fingers through my hair. "Sorry. Go on." They nodded and continued to say sciency stuff I didn't understand. I sat in a random chair and leo crossed over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "These are the best people I know who can find nate."

"Who said anything about finding him?" A gruff voice crackled through the air. The flash zipped in front of the man and clenched his fists. The yellow man laughed and held up a flash drive, "Here's your first clue, don't waste it.." He was there one second then gone the next, the flash was also gone and I immediately dashed for the falling flash drive. I cradled it in my hands for a moment then handed it to cisco.

He plugged it into the computer and a video popped up. Nate was tied to a chair with a bloody nose. "C-clue number 1." He stuttered and tears ran down his face. I slowly brought my hand to my mouth to keep from choking on my own tears. "I'm where the dead come to rot and turn to dust." Nate started to sob uncontrollably and my heart clenched. The camera changed angles and the yellow man cackled. "Let's do a trade. Blaine for the kid...tick. Tock." He dropped the camera and before it completely shut off I heard Nate scream. 

I've never felt as helpless before as I do now. I'm not the damsel in distress I refuse to be the weak one. That yellow monster will regret ever touching my kids. The ground beneath me rumbled and shook the building. I took a deep breath and the rumbling slowly stopped. "W-was that you?" Cisco asked me a little apprehensive. I looked at him and nodded slowly as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Sorry I got a little angry for a second." I apologized and rubbed my temples. "Understandable." He quickly said and handed me a stress ball. I snorted and started awkwardly squishing the ball. "Thanks." I looked at Leonard and he gave me a "what the fuck" look. "Uhm You two look like you have a lot too talk about..." Cisco trailed off and hightailed it out of the room, caityln had already slipped away. Leo walked over to me and grabbed my hand and the stress ball fell to the floor. "Why didn't you tell me you were a meta human?" I looked down and shrugged, "I didn't want you to think I was a freak." He scoffed, "Really? I'm a villain who's supposed to be in prison and you think I'd care that you're a meta human?" 

I leaned my head into his chest, "No you wouldn't." I looked up and smiled softly, "I love you, just so you know." He leaned down and kissed me and put one of his hands on my waist. I rose to my tippy toes and closed my eyes savoring the feel of his lips against mine. He slowly pulled away and whispered, "I love you too." I pouted, "That was way more romantic than my confession." He chuckled and I stuck my tongue out, "whatever." 

I pulled away and sat in a random chair, "where do we start looking?"  Cisco walked back in and sat next to me. "He said something about where bodies go to rot so he's probably around a graveyard or a crematorium." A rush of air flung my hair into my face, "that guy is fast." He huffed and leaned against a wall. "We've narrowed down the graveyards within the city along with crematoriums." The flash nodded and walked over to me, "I don't want to bring you along but we need to abide with his demands for now." I nodded, "Ready when you are." 

He smirked and picked me up and before I could comprehend it we were moving, I felt a rush of air and found myself in a completely different part of town.

"Holy sh-  agh!!!" I'm so gonna throw up.

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