Chapter 5

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*Blaine's P.O.V*
I backed the car into the driveway and took a deep breath. I just drove a cute NO bad villain home. Is that illegal? I'm pretty sure thats illegal. I smacked my forehead and stepped out if the car. I had forgotten both the milk and the eggs. Now what? "Blake! You've been gone for over 4 hours! Where have you been!" I waved sheepishly and crawled back into the car.

"I'm sorry but I need to go get the milk and eggs!" Helena stomped down the driveway and knocked on my window. "Don't leave now I'm not done yelling at you!" "Crrrr. Crrr. I'm sorry but it appears we have bad cell service I'll talk to you later!"

I peeled out of the driveway as she continued to yell. "We're not even on the phone!" I drove away quickly and started the short drive to walmart. The light turned red and as I stopped I noticed the snow had stopped. "Huh. I guess the flash stopped whatever was happening." The light turned green and I drove peacefully to the store. Unfortunately the store was right across the street from a major bank so there was bound to be a robbery sooner or later. I just hoped it was later. *knock on wood*

After parking I grabbed a cart and sighed happily at the air conditioned store. "Milk, eggs, and most likely more bread." "Do you talk to yourself all the time or is it just when I'm near?" I tripped over my foot but was able to catch myself on the cart. My eyes were wide as I turned towards the irritating man. "Captain Cold."

He put his finger to my lips and shushed me. My eyes narrowed, "I literally just dropped you off. How did you get here so quick?" He shrugged, "I have my ways."

I started to roll my cart away when my phone pinged, I checked it and noticed a long list of groceries from helena. "Damn." He whistled, "thats a long list of shit." I flicked his forehead, "language." He rolled his eyes and grabbed the cart from me, "I also need food so go get another cart."

I stood dumbfounded for a moment before running forward jerking the cart from him. "This is my cart! Go and get your own" People around us stared as we wrestled for the cart. I elbowed him in the ribs and he finally let go. "Ha I win!" He grumbled and grabbed another cart. I happily walked over the the bread section and grabbed random loafs of bread. "Hey frosty I never got your name." I turned towards him as he was looking at random Peanut butter jars.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You haven't seen it on the news?" I shook my head and raised my shoulders. "Leonard Snart." I smiled, "I'm gonna call you leo." He shook his head and turned back to the peanut butter. His face twitched into a small smile before going back to a frown. I smiled and moved around the store grabbing the necessities.

Every now and then leonard would pop up and grab the same things I was grabbing... out of my hand. Little shit. I had finally grabbed everything after a while and waited in line. "This is boring." I rolled my eyes, "It's always boring waiting in line so deal with it. He groaned and started to whistle an annoying tune.

The person on front of me was arguing over a coupon so I knew it would be a while. "Leo if you don't stop whistling I'm gonna..."

"You're gonna what?" He challenged before continuing to whistle. "I'll think of something." The man in front finally paid and moved on. The cashier smiled at me and scanned my items. She looked back up and her face turned to a frightened expression. "Shit." He sighed and walked out of the store. "Catch you later Blaine."

He started to run and I watched as he stole a car and drove off. I looked back at the cashier, "Only in central city huh?"

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