Chapter 3

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"Blaine's P.O.V*
Helena had turned on the news and apparently the flash was fighting the newly named "captain cold." I mean he was kinda cute... Dangit not today brain. Not today. I smacked my foregead and groaned. "Bad brain. Bad brain. He's a bad guy."

"Blaine? Who are you talking to?" Hailee a little six year old with pigtails asked me. I sighed, "Myself." Her eyes widened and she turned quickly running down the hallway. "Blaine is crazy! I knew it she talks to herself!" Instead of getting annoyed I just closed my eyes and flopped onto the floor. Its snowing in the middle of August, the flash and captain cold are fighting again, and hailee think I'm crazy. Today just had to suck didn't it?

I grabbed a jacket and walked outside soaking on the cold air. "Baby it's cold outside..." I hummed softly and started to walk into a secluded area. Time to practice my weird as heck power. I wiggled my fingers and a flower started to grow from the ground. "Cool," I said and smiled happily. At least I wasn't growing jungles in my bedroom anymore. "Well this is enough practicing for today."

I walked back inside the house and grabbed an apple. "Blake we need more milk and eggs," helena said as she popped out from the kitchen. My head swiveled towards her, "The flash and Captain dipnugget are fighting in the city... and you want me to go to the store now?" She nodded, "Yes. Now shoo shoo! We need food!" She waved her hand at me and shoved me out the door. "Dangit. It's flippin cold outside."

I trudged through the dirty snow and grumbled as I got inside the car. "Stupid snow. Stupid villains. Stupid. Stupid..." I peeled out of the driveway, but quickly slowed down because I don't feel like dying today. There were road blocks everywhere and ice blocks all over the road. There were also no people in sight. "I should have taken a different route." I decide to drive a little quicker down the street but unfortunately a man sized blob jumped in front of me. It hit my windshield and I stopped abruptly. I jumped out of the car and hovered over the blob. Oh wait... it's a man. Just my luck. "Hey dude are you ok?"

He mumbled something I didn't hear and slowly got up. I looked him over and finally recognized who he was. "Oh shit. You're captain dipnugget. I-i mean cold." His eyes narrowed and I felt my face pale. "So uh. Nice weather we're having. Snow in august is kin-" "Shut up."

"No problem." He walked around me and started to get into my car. "Hey that's not yours." He smirked, "It is now." My face started to get warm, "Oh hell no. Go steal someone else's car. Move." I shoved him out if the way and I slammed the door shut when I got inside. "Alright milk and eggs. Maybe some ice cream too..." As I started the car back up my passenger side door opened, "If you're not gonna let me steal the car, you could at least give me a ride." "Why would I give you a ride?"

"Well you did hit me with your car." "...touche." I sighed and patted the seat, "Hurry up and get in." He sat down quickly and closed the door. "Thanks." He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. "No problem. Now where do you need to go?"

"A warehouse. Over by the edge of town." I squeaked, "that's over two hours away! What the heck!" He smirked and shrugged his shoulders "your problem not mine." I frowned and drove silently.

Stupid snow, stupid villains, stupid car. Stupid stupid stupid...

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