chapter 10

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Heyyy guys well here’s chapter 10 I hope you enjoy reading it and tell me what you think by commenting and don’t forget to VOTE, COMMENT AND Follow.



After walking for a couple of hours the dark night made it harder to see in front of us and were we are walking. I could only make out the trees and branches.

Then I saw Amber Stop walking I turned around to question her. But I saw her head up and sniff the air what is she doing.

I did the same then it hit the smell of rouges the same ones I smelt when I was with Alex. I saw the panic look on Ambers face just as I heard a growl behind us I looked around to see the rogues baring their sharp teeth at us and their yellow eyes followed our every move.


I shifted into my wolf and so did Amber the beach wasn’t very far I could see it, I mind linked Amber to run as fast as we could towards the beach and into the water.

 Because we could use that do our advantage because rouges cannot go into salt water because the beach is part of our pack and it’s not their territory so they are bound to go into the water or it will pull them further into the ocean and drown them.

The rogue launched at me ‘NOW!!!!!’ I yelled through the mind link I dodged his attack and ran towards the beach as fast as we could.

 Sam reached the water before I could as I was about to jump into the water the rouge caught my tail and bared his teeth ready to attack.

Just before his teeth pierced through my fur Sam splashed water at him by his fur and he let go and howled in pain as fury, anger and hatred glare was aimed at us as we both transformed into human form and swam further into the ocean to escape our nightmare.

The rouge disappeared in a flash of light I looked at Amber and asked “are you alright?”

“Yes I am, did he hurt you?”

“Yeah I am fine and no he didn’t hurt me, thanks for help back there” I answered while giving her a hug.

Because we were both safe I decided to mind link Alex to come just in case that rogue is still around and tell him what happened.


‘Where have you been and why was the mind link cut off I was so worried even your parents are, you ok? Where are you?’

‘Umm Alex remember that rouge.’ I didn’t even get a chance to finish my sentence when Alex yelled.

‘Are you ok why didn’t you tell me earlier you could have been hurt I could have lost you please tell your ok, where are you, I can’t control my wolf please tell me now!!!...’

I should have known this would happen he won’t be able to control his wolf ‘I’m ok I am with Amber and were both fine were in the water now and I can’t see the rogue anywhere but I have a feeling he’s still here’

‘Ok I will be right there with Daniel and Max don’t move and stay in the water, I am going to kill him when I see that rouge’

‘Ok’ and I cut the mind link of.

“Alex, Daniel and Max are coming, and then it would be safe to get out of the water” I told Amber.

“Ok…” she didn’t get to finish a sentence when I felt someone grab me from behind.

“ALEX” I yelled while attacking him by a hug, as I saw Daniel and Max make their way over on their surfboards and to Amber to making sure that she is ok.  

“Are you ok, I swear if that rogue hurt you I will…” I didn’t let him continue by placing my lips on top of his soft ones, feeling the sparks shoot all over my body.

“Its safe to go now he is no longer around” Alex said while I pushed Max of his surfboard and started paddling towards the waves.

“HEY…” he yelled, but I just laughed and stuck by tongue out and kept paddling towards the wave.

I heard Daniel scream; I turned around and saw Amber taking his board and paddling towards me to catch a wave. I smiled “let’s go catch some waves” I told Amber as we paddled further into the ocean the waves were massive today.

I saw the boys swimming towards me and Amber with a playful evil look on their faces; we both squealed and started to paddle faster.

Me and Amber dived under the wave with our boards. I caught the first wave which was about 8 feet high, I heard Amber squeal, I smirked I guess she couldn’t escape from the guys I heard her laughing wildly guessing that they were tickling her.

I tried to look back “WATCH OUT” Alex screamed with panic in his voice.

I turned my attention back to what I was doing but it was too late my surf board or should I say Max’s surfboard hit the edge of a rock which sent me flying and hit my head on the edge of the rock.

“SAMANTHA…” was the last thing I heard before I blacked out unconscious.


Sorry for the late update I have been really busy studying for exams and school. But I wanted to thank all of you guys for commenting, voting and reading this story I hope you continue to enjoy it and I will be updating more often now because I am on school holiday I also wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

And  DON’T FORGET TO VOTE, COMMENT AND follow, I want you guys to tell me what you think will happen next and the person who gets it right will get a dedication for the next chapter!!!  I love you all <3 <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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