Elves and Empty Houses

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Not sure how I feel about this chapter so let me know what you think!


      Most of the little islands that pock the shores of Teelin are nameless to the humans and are populated by many Fey, they are places of magic and even the tourists aren't stupid enough to go there. There are a few however that do have names one of which is the Island of the West. The Island of the West is exactly to the west of Teelin as the name describes, it is one of the bigger islands and can be seen from the western cliffs if there is no fog; it is one of the islands I have never been to, it is the island of the Elves. The Elves have always been secretive and have never caused much of a problem so I have never had the opportunity to meet them. They are one of the oldest of Fey kind and exempt from the Seelie and Unseelie court, in fact if it comes down to it the Seelie and Unseelie courts would have to bow to them. It is no surprise that this Elf was able to slip by me unnoticed with his delicate glamour and convincing story while I have been distracted by the Trath.

      "Well Elf, if you are not here to wreak havoc than why are you here?" I ask.

      He narrows his eyes, "My business is my own and I have no need to disclose it to you Keeper. I will do no harm to the humans in your charge and I shall be on my way soon enough, until then I am Thomas Dunkin of London. My quarrel up to today has not been with you however now I would like to know what you have done to the Rowan girl."

      Anger and fear flares through me at his question. It seems that I have now lead Breena into the sights of two powerful Fey, I know what Ciná wants with her and though it chills me it is better than not knowing what this Elf wants with her. "She needs to stay away from me," I finally say laying my arms on the table. "I don't trust the Fey and I don't want her around them so that means she needs to keep away from me," I hope that he takes the hint.

      I see him stiffen; I follow his gaze and realize my mistake. The pub is not only loud but it is warm as well, warm enough that I draped my jacket over my chair not thinking anyone would notice, let alone recognize the mark on my bare arm. But in putting my arms on the table in front of the Elf I revealed my secret – or at least part of it – but Elves are clever as are most powerful Fey, he will piece my story together with ease. "A Tithe," he spits through gritted teeth. "That is what this is about," it is not a question, he knows by the telltale scarlet 7 on my arm. The mark appeared when my time ran up and has gotten darker each year. He fires off several questions, "Who do you owe to? What is it that he wants? How long have you avoided it? What have you done?"

      I glare at him and curl my arms back into my chest, "I hardly see why it matters to you, this has nothing to do with the Elves. I'm fixing it anyway." I select two questions to answer, "I have avoided him three years and as for what he wants, he wants to see me squirm, he wants to hurt me, that's all the Fey ever want from their Tithes."

      His nostrils flare, he opens and closes his mouth a few times looking like a fish as he debates over what he is going to say. Finally he stands, "This conversation is not over," is all he says before slipping through the crowd and out the door.

      I let my head fall forward onto the table with a dull thud and a groan. How had today gotten so complicated, even for me a Keeper this is complicated, there is a girl – I never thought there would be a girl in any capacity – who I have drawn the Sidhe to, Ciná seems to have found a weak flank I have only now noticed and it turns out the one man who has become something of a friend to me is an Elf. Thankfully no one had heard us talking in our dark corner, we kept our voices quiet in the loud pub and the noise of the farmers, tourists and fishermen had drowned out our argument.

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