Author Note. IMPORTANT!

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Hello beautiful people...
How are you all :)

Sorry what....You guys are asking about me? I'm fine.
Thanks for all of your concern and sweet messages you guys send me.
Nobody does that when you are gone for 5 months without a warning leaving your story hanging.

I'm sorry... I'm doing this lately a lot. But what can i do? lets just say 2016 is the most busy year of mine.

So yeah as you can see now I'm back... and i want to write for you guys but still i cant 😞
The problem is i want to study hard and set my mind off from wattpad so i can study for my final exams....
There s only a month left for papers and i haven't touched the books yet!

i know you guys must be thinking that you guys have to wait more...But no wait now.
Trust me i know the feeling too.

So i have decided to roughly tell you guys the whole plot of my ongoing books. Because there is so much to write.
So after this author note you will find another chapter where there will be the left plot written.

Like this you guys don't really have to wait more and when i get back i will be writing the chapters.
If you like  it you can read it...And if you don't well you still know the story plot and the ending :)

For my upcoming story deewana... I'm taking that story back because its not even started so... Maybe next time i will write it....

so bye...Got to go.
After this you will find the story plot. Bye!
WAIT... before going anywhere i want to thank all of you for the  messages you guys send me...
I was gone for 5 months but still all i see in my inbox were messages from you guys asking me about my health.

No one ever mention the story or write something rude....
You guys are the amazing friends i got. Thank you for all the love.... 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘


and if any one wants to know what i was doing the time i was gone.
Well I'm shamefully admitting that i was just enjoying some of the great weddings and was reading a bunch of books. Including twilight 😃

if you guys want suggestions then let me tell you. i like the time trivalar's wife book alot... Its amazing I'm reading it again and again but still i cry sometimes.

OK now bye.
Love You All 😘💞💞💖😍😘

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