Twenty Two: Reunion

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"I like deep blue. You know, the bridesmaids wear deep blue dresses and he guys have on deep blue ties to match them." I said. "What do you think?"

"I love that idea. As long as I get to wear my all white suit."

"Of course. The colors are deep blue and white anyway." I leaned over and softly kissed Chris on the lips. He smiled at me and slipped is arm around my waist, resting his head in my shoulder.

"I hope the kids are being good for Momma." He said softly.

"Hmm, I miss my baby." I pouted. I thought about Alyssa's adorable smile and her cute chubby cheeks. Her giggles and laughter filled my head as I thought about her and it made me wonder why I was thinking about Alyssa like that but not the twins. They were my first kids, not Alyssa.

"Hey, Chris?" I spoke suddenly.

"Hmm?" He turned his head and looked at me.

"Why do I feel a need to be with Alyssa, but not the twins? Like, I feel an attachment to her and I miss her. I miss the twins but not in the same way I miss Alyssa." I tried to explain.

"It's because she's your baby. And you haven't been away from her since she was born. Remember when the twins were born and we brought them home from the hospital finally, you were with them every chance you got. You wouldn't even let Momma watch them alone until they were almost a year old. And I was shocked that you actually left Alyssa and she's not but nearly 4 months old. She's still a baby and you feel the need to be with her because you are her mother. That's all."

"Well okay. I can go with that." He chuckled and stood up as Sophia walked into the room.

"Daddy, are you done with wedding planning so we can go swimming?" She asked sweetly, rocking back and forth on her feet. He looked at me as if asking for confirmation. I sighed and nodded.

"We've done enough for today. We still have days to plan." I said.

"Yay! Come on, Daddy!" Sophia ran out the room. Chris shook his head and followed her, leaving me alone in the living room. I couldn't help but wonder what Sean was up to. Chris seemed to be really scared of him, like he was going to do something to me. But Sean wouldn't do that, would he? Since I loved him, he had to love me too. Or was it all an act? And the ring he gave me, was that part of the act too? I looked down at it, Chris didn't know where I had gotten the ring from so he couldn't ask me to take it off. I don't know why I didn't take it off. I can't believe Sean would do something so heartless. How could he?!

I yanked off the ring and chucked it at the wall. It bounced off the wall and struck a vase, knocking it off its stand. I flinched when the glass shattered on the floor, each piece flying everywhere.

"What in the world..?" Chris walked in and stared at the broken glass. When he looked at me, he immediately ran over.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I looked down at my hands and saw the tear drops. Hm, I didn't even realize I had been crying.

"Mama?" We both looked up at Sophia.

"Go outside, I'll be there in a minute." Chris told her. She walked away and Chris sat next to me, pulling me into his embrace.

"I-I'll clean up the glass." I mumbled, looking away from him.

"What's going on? You can tell me." He made me look at him.

"No, I can't. It will only anger you." I said, diverting my eyes away from him once again.

"Hey, look at me. Hazel, look at me." He demanded. I sighed and slowly looked up.

"I am about to marry you, we're going to be bound together until death do us apart. Now if you can't tell me what's wrong, maybe I'm making a mistake of choosing to marry you." My hands gripped his wrists when he said that, I couldn't believe he would even say that to me. I looked at him with shock and his expression faltered, he knew he had made a mistake.

"Hazel, I didn't mean-"

"Maybe you are making a mistake." I whispered. "I bring you nothing but trouble." I got out of his embrace and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and stood up with me.

"That is not true. You give me a everything I need, not trouble. For these past years, you've given me love, support and four beautiful children. Is that trouble in your eyes?" He tilted my head up to meet his eyes.

"No." I muttered.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that I was making a mistake. You mean everything to me, Hazel, and you know that. I just wanted to you tell me what was wrong."

"I was thinking about Sean." I blurted out.


"I was thinking about Sean. Thinking that all the love and protection he gave me was an act. That he never cared about me for real. So I got angry and took off the ring he had given me. When I threw it at the wall, it bounced off and hit the vase which fell over and broke." I explained quickly, taking in a quick breath.

"A ring?"

"Yes, the infinity ring that I have been wearing for the past 5 years, Sean gave that to me." I said. "He gave it to me right before I got you and Sophia and escaped from New York."

"Oh. If I had known that..."

"You would have asked me to take it off, right?"

"Yes. I would have." I smiled. He was going to be an amazing husband.

"Go play with your daughter while I clean this up." He suddenly pulled me against him and pressed his lips to mine, giving me a long and passionate kiss. Tingles erupted within my body, it was like the world disappeared from around us. He still did that to me. I didn't want to let him go, but he slowly pulled away, gazing into my eyes.

"I love you, Hazel." He whispered. My face broke into a smile once again.

"I love you, Chris," I replied, giving him another kiss.

"Daddy!" Sophia called from outside. He pulled away from me, out of breath and a half smile on his face.

"Princess Sophia is awaiting her king." I teased. He laughed and spun me around.

"And I will be awaiting my queen." He said. "So hurry up and put on your swim suit."

"After I clean up this mess, I will. Now go." He finally went outside to join Sophia and I proceeded to clean up the mess. I just need to enjoy the rest of this vacation.


The days were going by fast and we were enjoying our vacation. We had two more days left before we went home and I couldn't wait. I missed my babies. Chris and I had actually gotten a lot of wedding plans done and we even set a date. Since it was the beginning of April, we decided on May 22nd. We called Momma and told her the news which she was very happy to hear. She even found a wedding planner to help us through everything. Chris seemed very excited and I was more than happy to be marrying the love of my life in about two months.

Chris's iPad that was laying on the table started to light up and I picked it up, realizing that Momma was FaceTiming us. I slid my finger across the screen to answer.

"Hey, Momma." I greeted when her face appeared.

"Hi, Sweetie! Are you enjoying your vacation?" She asked.

"I sure am. I feel so relaxed." I told her.

"Where's Chris?"

"He took Sophia out this morning to walk the beach. They haven't come back yet. How are my babies?"

"They are very good, especially little Alyssa." She turned the camera around and I saw Alyssa in her walker, waving her hands and playing with a ball that was in front of her.

"Awe, look at my baby!" I exclaimed. She turned around at the sound of my voice and looked a little confused.

"She looks so confused." Momma said.

"That's because she can hear her mommy's voice but she can't see her." I told her.

"Hold on." She sat the iPad down and got up. I heard Alyssa babbling and when Momma picked up the iPad, Alyssa was sitting in her lap.

"Maaa!" Alyssa leaned forward and patted the screen with her hands.

"Hi, Baby. Do you miss mommy?" She poked out her lip and whined.

"I'll take that as a yes." Momma joked. I heard a knock at the door and since I was home alone, I had to answer it.

"Hold on, Momma. Someone is at the door." I said, sitting down the iPad.

"Hurry back." I heard her say.

"Who is it?" I put my ear to the door.

"Housekeeping." The woman said. I undid the lock and opened the door. And I couldn't believe who I saw.

"No. Way." She said. My jaw nearly dropped.



Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed. I didn't proofread so there might be a few errors and typos. I'm going to try and update Familiar Stranger next and if I can, I will try to update Love and Pain again today or tomorrow. Happy Reading! :D

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