Five: Beatings

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These days are getting longer by the minute. It has now been 8 days since we took Chris and I really wish they'd pay the ransom so we can let him go. He's miserable in that room and I want to let him go home. Everyday was the same, I went to check on Chris every hour and fed him when he was hungry and the guys took him on bathroom breaks. That's it. But then today, I guess Leon was just in a bad mood.  

I was in the room with Chris, just talking when Leon suddenly walked in, holding something long in his hand. I hope it wasn't what I think it was.  

"It's time to have a little fun." He said lowly, closing the door. No, it WAS what I thought it was. A whip. I don't know what pleasure he got in torturing people but I hated when he did that. And I especially didn't want him to beat Chris. Why? I guess because, I cared about Chris. And...I liked him.  

"Leon, p-please don't do this to him, he did nothing wrong." I pleaded with him. Chris looked scared, he had no idea what was going on.  

"Shut up! You just watch." He pulled me away from Chris and pushed me against the wall. I wish this wasn't happening, I curled up in a ball and used my hands to cover my eyes, I couldn't bear to watch. But I still peeked through my fingers. Leon ripped off Chris's shirt and Chris tried to back away as much as he could but he was in the corner and couldn't go anywhere. I was so scared for him, I didn't want Leon to hurt him. He let the whip uncurl and an evil grin appeared on his face before he cracked the whip and it made a loud popping noise as it made contact with Chris's skin. He screamed out in pain and I started to cry, wishing it was over.  

"Leon! Please, stop hurting him!" I cried. But he ignored me and continued to deliver several blows to Chris's back since he had turned over, trying to escape the whip's wrath. I couldn't even listen to Chris's screams, I covered my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. But it was no use, the room was small so his screams were still loud to me and silent to any outsiders. When I heard the whipping stop, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Leon rolling it up. He smiled then walked out the room without another word. Chris was motionless and I crawled over to him, looking at his back. His skin was split open in several places, all of them bleeding.  

"Oh, Chris." I put my hands on his lower back and laid my head on his shoulder, my tears rushing down my face.  

"I-I'm so sorry." I whispered. "This was never suppose to happen." I felt him move and I sat back a little so I could look at him.  

"It''s okay." He breathed. "It's not....your fault." He shifted his body and scrunched his face up at the pain. I suddenly had an idea. I got up abruptly and ran out the room, heading to the bathroom. I had medical supplies under the sink just incase one of us got shot. I pulled out the big white box and carried it back to the room, closing the door back and sitting back down in front of Chris.  

"What's that?" He asked, his voice low and shaking.  

"My little trauma kit. I have some pain killers and I'm gonna tend to the wounds on your back." I popped out two pills and gave them to him, giving him some of his water to wash them down. Then I started to tend to his wounds. I cleaned the blood off and started to disinfect the wound, causing Chris to hiss at the pain since it was burning.  

"It'll get better." I assured him, moving to the next one. Once I was done, he sat back and sighed.  

"Man, you're a life saver, that feels so much better. And the pain meds are kicking in." He said.  

"That's good." I replied.  

"Will he do it again?" He suddenly asked me. I looked around for a minute. 

"You want an honest answer?" He nodded and I looked away again. "There's a 99% chance he will. He never does it once to any of the people he kidnaps, it's usually multiple times. And I hate it when he does that, it never occurred to me though that he would do it to you."  

"Damn, that shit hurt, I'm gonna be really scared next time." He said softly.  

"I'm so-"  

"Stop apologizing, it's not your fault, okay?" I nodded and hugged him again. Chris meant something to me and I would do anything to not let him get hurt again. But that will probably end in me getting killed. I realized Chris wasn't moving and I immediately sat up, thinking something was wrong. But then he snored meaning he was asleep. His snoring made me giggle, he was a very hard sleeper. I got up and walked out the room, leaving him to sleep. When I got to my room, Sophia was up, bouncing in her crib and giving me a grin.  

"Is it true?" I turned around and saw Roxanne at my door. "D-did Leon really bring out the whip on Chris?" She asked. I nodded glumly and sat on my bed.  

"Awe man, poor guy. Was he hurt really bad?"  

"He had some wounds but they weren't too severe, he'll make it. The worse part was his screaming. He was in so much pain....and I couldn't so anything about it."  

"Awe, someone is sad cause they can't help their little boyfriend." She teased.  

"He's not my boyfriend." I shot back. Even though I wish he was. But I bet as soon as he gets out of here, he'll never think about me again. Roxanne just laughed and walked out my room and I laid back on my bed. Why was my life this way?  


"Leon!" I yelled and he finally stopped.  

"You want some of this?!" He turned to me, twirling his whip in his hand. I viciously shook my head and backed away from him. He rolled it back up and stepped up to me, pressing me against the wall. I was holding my breath, scared he was gonna do something to me. But he didn't, he just backed up and stomped out the room, slamming the door back. I immediately dropped to my knees and crawled over to Chris. This was the 5th beating this week. I don't think Chris can take much more of this, he's already hurt badly and he needs to go to a hospital.  

"Chris? Can you hear me?" I placed my hand on his cheek and he nodded weakly. "Hold on, I'll be right back." I walked out the room and went up to the bathroom to get the kit.  

"Hey." Leon stepped into the bathroom. "I've got some business to take care of, so I'll be out really late tonight."  

"Are you leaving now?" I asked. He nodded and walked out the bathroom. Once I heard the front door close, I grabbed the kit and ran back to the room. Chris was just laying there motionless like he always did when Leon beat him. I quickly unchained him and he just fell over in my lap, his breathing low and almost inaudible. I wish I could take him to a hospital, he needs it badly. But for now, he'll have to settle for me. I started cleaning his wounds and he didn't even flinch this time, he was too weak to do anything.  

I sat him back against the wall when I was through and he opened his eyes staring at me.  

"" He breathed. "If it wasn't for you...I'd dead right now."  

"I wish he'd stop doing this to you." I mumbled, crawling closer to him. I couldn't touch him for real cause I bet all that would do is cause him pain. And that's the last thing I wanna do.  

"Hazel." Chris said softly, lifting one of his hands and putting it under my chin.  

"Hmm?" He pulled me closer and I didn't know what he was doing until he suddenly closed his eyes and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked but it didn't take long for me to slowly put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. It felt absolutely wonderful, his tongue melded with mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly pulled me onto his lap. Why was he kissing me? He couldn't POSSIBLY be attracted to me, I kidnapped him for Pete's sake! He slowly pulled away and stared into my eyes. 

"Why?" I whispered, staring back at him. He immediately started blushing. 

"I-I like you." He replied. I smiled at him and leaned into his shoulder.  

"I like you too." He put an arm around me and sighed, and I knew he was about to fall asleep. He always did when Leon beat him. Somehow, I had to get Chris out of here. I just had to.


A/N - Leon on the side 

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