Eighteen: Father

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Here you go! Sorry that I'm SOOO late but blame my teachers for piling me with homework. I swear they hate me TT-TT. Happy Reading! :D


"Daddy!" Damien ran into the room and jumped on Chris's lap. "Can I have some candy?"  

"Hmm, I'm not sure, you're a bit hyper already." Chris replied.  

"Pweaseeeeeeeee! I'll be good!" He poked out his lip and gave Chris that cute look. I fell for it every time he did it to me.  

"Oh, come on, Chris, give my baby some candy." I said. "Can you say no to that adorable face anyway?"  

"Pfft, I've got thick skin." He told me.  

"Oh please, remember last week when Marie was being bad and you had her in time out but all she had to do was bat her eye lashes at you and you let her play again. In one minute!"  

"Nuh uh, it was longer than a minute." He stuck his tongue out at me.  

"That's what you think." I replied, handing Damien a cherry blowpop. He happily ripped it open and stuck it in his mouth before running out the room.  

"Great, now Marie is gonna run in here asking for candy too." Chris said.  

"Oh well." I heard crying and looked over at the bassinette to see Alyssa squirming around again. Chris got up and took her out the bassinette, cradling her to his chest. I loved the way his face lit up every time he held her. They were literally two peas in a pod, she started giggling when he made funny faces at her.  

"We should put her in the cutest baby contest." I joked.  

"Pfft, we already won that, didn't you see last week's headline?" He asked.  

"What headline?" He pointed as his phone and I picked it up, putting in the password and going on the Internet. When I scrolled down his history, "CUTEST CELEBRITY BABY" jumped out at me.  

"Awe, Alyssa is number one." I said. "Then it's King. He looks so adorable!" King Cairo was Chris's best friend, and also the rapper, Tyga's baby boy. He was beyond adorable. 

"Ow!" Chris suddenly yelled, earning a squeal of delight from Alyssa. "She slapped me."  

"Ha, serves you right." I teased. Alyssa looked over and saw me, and started to lean away from Chris. He walked over and handed me Alyssa, falling out on the bed. When my phone beeped, signaling I had a text, I picked it up and opened it. It was from an unknown number.  

"Hey, Hazel. It's Sean." I froze and looked at Chris. He had told me to stay away from Sean, and that he wasn't who I thought he was. Chris thinks he's a threat to us. But would Sean have lied to me all that time? 

"Chris told me to stay away from you." I hit send and put my phone on vibrate. When it buzzed on my pants, I picked it up again.  

"And you're gonna listen to him? He's just paranoid that I'm gonna take you from him but he doesn't even understand that it's not even like that." I sighed and started typing.  

"Sean, he's my fiancé, I think I outta listen to him. So I can't talk to you." 

"Fine then, listen to your 'fiancé'. But I'm telling you, he's just jealous." I was about to reply when my phone was suddenly snatched out of my hand. 

"Chris!" I tried to reach it but he held it too high for me to get it. He pushed me away and I watched as his eyes scanned over the messages.  

"I told him to stay away and now he's texting you?" He said lowly. "Why didn't you tell me he had texted you?"  

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