Eight: Cross Country

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"Don't waste it okay?" I handed Sophia her cup. She put the straw in her mouth and started to suck down the drink, pulling it away for a second to burp and then she continued drinking it.

"Someone was thirsty." I said, turning back around. Chris was asleep yet again, he had already eaten his food and passed back out. He said it was only way for him to not feel the pain. He was still hurting from Leon beating him so much, I need to take him to a hospital but I want us to get to California first. We've already been driving for a day so far and if I drive nonstop for another day, we should reach Los Angeles tomorrow night. I didn't want to stop anywhere so we just slept in the car most of the time when I got tired of driving.

Most of the times wondered how Leon reacted when he came home and found out that I was gone along with Chris and Sophia. Did he throw a tantrum or is he on his way to get me now? Well, he doesn't even know where I am right now but he probably knows that I'm going to California to where Chris lives. We were passing through Nebraska right now and I couldn't wait to get to California. Chris snored next to me and I was glad he wasn't in any pain right now. But I could tell how weak he was, he could barely eat his food earlier.

I drove for about another two hours before I got tired and found a rest stop. I was just gonna park and rest for a while then start driving again.

"Hazel." Chris mumbled as I parked.

"Hmm?" I turned off the car and lifted up the middle console that was separating me and Chris. I scooted closer to him and let him lay in my arms.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"At the edge of Nebraska, we should be heading into Colorado when I start driving again."

"Oh." He took a deep breath and shuddered as he exhaled. He was in pain, I could tell.

"I'm sorry." I said suddenly.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked me.

"Because, you need to go to a hospital but I want us to get to California first cause I know you're gonna have to be in there for a few days."

"I understand that, I can bear it Hazel. Really. You're right, we should get to Cali first." I hugged him closer and kissed his forehead.

" I love you so much, Chris." I buried my face in his shoulder.

"I love you too." We started to fall asleep in each others arms.

In the morning, I woke up and realized we should all go to the bathroom before I start driving again.

"Chris, Sophia, wake up." I shook Chris and reached back to unbuckled Sophia. Chris just shifted himself and Sophia looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hey, Sweetie. Come on, lets go to the bathroom." She reached forward and I took her out her seat.

"Chris, wake up." I shook him again. He groaned and opened his eyes, exhaling loudly.

"What's going on?" He grumbled tiredly.

"I want us to go to the bathroom before I start on the road again." I answered, getting out the car. I walked around to his side and opened the door, helping him out the car. He could barely walk so I sat Sophia down and she held on to my pants leg as I used my other arm to help Chris walk. I helped him to the men's bathroom and left him inside.

"Chris, I'm gonna go take Sophia, I'll be right back." I told him.

"Okay." I heard him say. I left with Sophia and we went to the women's bathroom. I let her used the bathroom before I did and when we both got through, we headed back to the men's. I saw 3 guys surrounding something outside the bathroom and I saw Chris's shoes sticking out.

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