Missed My Birthday

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"Will she be okay?" A light protective voice with a bit of an attitude floods my mind. Mom?
"I believe so. We're going to have to question her about the poorly done stitches in her left leg that seemed to have saved her life. Looks about 2 days old so she definitely would've bled out." A mono tone deep voice says much closer and louder than the last voice.

"My goodness." I hear my mom whisper across the room.

I open my eyes to be greeted with the sun beaming into the windows of the hospital room that I'm currently held in. My mom sits across from the bed that I lie in with my dad beside her rubbing her shoulder. Becky sits next to them asleep and the doctor is checking my vitals on the monitor.

....where's my boyfriend?

"...mom?" I croak out.

She jumps up so fast that it nearly gave me whip lash by just looking at her.

"Oh my goodness! Amber! Honey you worried me have to death!"

I notice the dry tears upon the apples of her cheeks and I immediately feel pang of guilt for putting her through this.

What have I done?

My dad has always resembled me more than my mother because of our facial structure but I still have a lot of characteristics that I get from my mom, such as her sensitivity. They are only in their forty's so they still look fairly young.

My parents rap their arms around me and I would hug them tighter if it wasn't for the uncomfortable feeling of the IV in my arm.

"Oh good you're awake." The doctor intervenes and me and my parents separate. "Ms. Grant-Green and Mr. Green, would you mind if I talked to your daughter about the incident for a second? "
My parents nodded and left, Becky still lays on the small chair since she was sound asleep.
I glance up at the doctor and give a quick glance up and down then I begin to absently fiddle with the tubing that brings oxygen into my noise. The doctor has pale skin and black hair tinted with grey that's gelled up away from his face. I could see the slightest of freckles sprinkled upon the bridge of his noise but they would go almost unseen because of the shadow the his glasses cast upon his nose.

I give him one more glance.
Early Thirty's
I tend to guess people's ages when I look at them, it's like I little guessing game that I play with myself. It always keeps me...guessing.

"Hello, Amber. I'm doctor Arnold, but you can call me Shawn." He says as he sits in the chair beside me... a little too close for my liking.

"Hi." I didn't realize how dry the words sounded until they escaped my mouth. But he seems unfazed at it as he opens up his laptop and begins typing.

"I have a questions to ask you if you're alright with that." I only nod and continue to play with the tube from my noise.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

What is the last thing I remember?
"I was in my car on the ride home a-and I remember seeing something in the road. It was very dark and suddenly I was spinning down a hill as "Riding Dirty" played in the background."

"Nothing else?"

I just shake my head and stare off at my friend who peacefully is sleeping across the small room.

"What was it that you saw in the road?" He said without looking up from his laptop as he continued to type.

"I-I don't know-"

"Was it a person?" He interjects a little too passively aggressive for my liking.

What's his deal? I just was in a car crash and survived. I want some damn food.

"It could've been anything." This time I look up at him seeing that his pale blue eyes meet mine as well. "Why?"

He places his laptop down on the table with the monitor and looms over. Before I could do anything he rips the blankets away from the left side of my body.


With my luck the gown was risen and I felt so violated.
"Do you see that?" He says as he points to a nasty cut that is carved on the middle of my thigh.
It stitching is pretty bad but it looks like it's healing pretty good. Damn these doctors work fast.

"Yes.? And who ever sewed that up needs to go back to medical school."

He shakes his head and meets his eyes with my own. "That's the thing. We didn't do this."

I look at him and he just stares back with the same annoying dramatically serious expression on his face.

"Well what the fuck do you mean?" I say without even trying to mask my annoyance.

He flinches slightly at my tone of voice but I'm too confused to care.
"It seems as though someone else had took it upon themselves to sew your injury up. I don't know why they had left you there but it seems they may have been the one that called us. Which we're thankful for. See, without that call we would have never found you."

"What day is it?" I ask.
"December 14." He mumbles, looking over at my Becky.
At that I send him a glare, "When can I leave?"

He shakes his head and gets up. "When the hospital and police feel satisfied with your answers."

Great. No how long will that last.

"No. I want to leave now."
I say as I pull the tubes out of my nose.

He roughly pushes me back in the bed, attempting to restrain my arms. "You can't leave."

At this I grab a fistful of the collar of his shirt and yank it towards me so that he's now an inch from my face.
"Can't you see? I missed my freaking birthday!"

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