Chapter 4: Family and Kisses

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Luke's POV:

It was hard when I sewed her leg back up...the pain in her eyes where killing me. It's now I few hours later and I watch Amber closely as she continues to make scrambled eggs. I can't get over how strange this girl is. She offered to make breakfast, which I thought was insane since she just got stitches on her leg from the car accident from the other night. I knocked her jerk of a boyfriend out, I will never let another man hurt her ever again, including me.
I stare at the beautiful human in front of me. She can't feel it. She can't feel the bound yet because I haven't marked her, and yet I can't stop thinking of all the things I want to do to her.

She hums a cute song and sways her hips back and forth, putting more weight on her right leg to keep from hurting her left. Telling by her body she definitely did some type of sport that includes lots of running in highschool. She has nice calfs, big thighs, firm butt, flat toned stomach and nice breast.

It's amazing how oblivious some can be to their beauty.

Amber's POV:
I continue to make scrambled eggs as I tried to forget what happened with my boyfriend earlier this morning. I didn't want anyone to pitty me for what he does to me, especially not Luke.
I don't want to tell him that I have no where else to say either, that'd just add to the pitty.

I hum "1000 years" under my breath but screech when I fill arms snake around my waist sending a shiver up my spine. I turn off the stove and bite my lip.

"What are you doing...?" I say as I turned awkwardly in his arms.

A playful smile tugs at his mouth as his strangely colored eyes stare down into my own. "I don't really know."
I look down at his over sized t shirt on me sheepishly.

His eyes can be intense sometimes like they can see straight through me. I glance at my red tinted gauze rapped around my left thigh and feel him tense up.

Which causes me to bring my eyes back up to his dreamy ones and they look more red then ever.
He brings his hand to my face and it takes everything for me not to wince when he does because that's where my boyfriend slapped me at.

He brings his face closer to mine until I can feel his breath feather my lips. I brush my own against his and and run my fingers through his hair. Warmth fills me as he grabs me tighter and smashes his lips against mine. But then he abruptly stops and pulls away.


"Don't be, it's just..." Then he leaves the kitchen leaving me here completely confused and embarrassed.

Why did you do that Amber, it's clear that he's not interested.

I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

I'm just a stupid black girl to him.


Luke's POV:

I can feel my chest heaving and my heart racing.
Her touch was making me loose my mind, I could've hurt her!

I look at my reflection through my bathroom mirror. My teeth have extended and my eyes pure red.

A faint knock is heard on the bathroom door.


"Luke, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you...can I come in?" I look back at my self in the mirror.

I look like a monster.

"No! Stay away!"

"I'm really sorry. It won't happen again, just let me explain.

"Amber! Please stay away!"

But with a click of the door she's in.

Amber's POV:

I'm greeted with Luke's sexy back since he's no longer wearing a shirt. And I can tell his black basketball shorts are hanging low on his waist. I shouldn't have kissed him, I know we just met and it was way out of line for me to kiss him. It's just everything that has happened to me lately....I just needed a passionate kiss.

His head hangs low and his back heaves up and down.

"Luke?" I rest my hand on his back, only for him to flinch away.

"Luke look at me! It was just a kiss! Geez, I didn't think I was that unappealing."

He then turns around in a flash and I'm met with hungry red eyes and fangs. FUCKING FANGS!

"Holy shit-"

"Are you scared?" He says huskily as he inches his way toward me but I stand my ground.

"ARE YOU!" He yells in my face causing me to shake but I still refuse to move.

"No." I whisper. As I stare at his crazy red eyes.

He pushes me up against the wall bringing his lips to my ear causing me to shiver. "You should be."

Trust me. I am. But I know he's a good person. Well...what ever he is, I know that he's good. He saved me last night. He has to be good.

I grab his face making him look at me.
"Your not a bad guy." I say starring into his eyes the entire time.

He shakes his head and walks out the room.


No answer.


No answer.

"Luke fucking answer me!"

No answer.

I run down the stairs and into the living room, hoping that he hasn't left already.

I nearly jump a foot in the air when I see him sitting silently on the black leather couch.

"See. I knew that I scare you." He whispers. He looks so defeated and for some reason it reminds of a depressed teen that are always in those cliche high school movies.

I walk up to him and straddle his lap.

"No you don't."

"Amber! What are you doing? I could hurt you!"

"No you won't." I say grabbing his face and pulling it closer to my own.

"Amber. I don't want to hurt you." He says in a hushed husky voice that makes butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"You won't." And before he could say I anything else, I push my mouth against his, "Luke. Kiss me back." I say between kisses. He finally does and his arms pull me in, I feel his teeth graze my lips and he then starts to kiss me back with so much hunger. I feel him squeeze my butt. "Your my bound." He says in between kisses. I don't question it. It's like I can feel myself getting attached to him and I don't know why.
He kisses me passionately causing me to moan in his mouth.

Me?! Moaning? Gross! But it was literally involuntary.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the front door and when I attempt to pull away  from our make out to answer it, he just pulls me in closer instead.

"They can wait." He says as his hands squeeze my butt tighter. He kisses me again with his tongue invading my mouth and he begins to lift up the shirt, revealing a pair of briefs that he let me wear earlier. He then hooks his thumbs in the back of the briefs attempting to pull them down.

"Lukas Robinson Blake!" I hear a woman say and my heart drops.

He stops and looks up.



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