Chapter 2: Strangers with Abs

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I guess waking up after a night of Vodka and a car accident really does take a toll on a person. I find that I'm laying on a King size bed with red tie die sheets. Oh wait.
Actually I'm laying on what used to be white sheets but are now blood stained.
Is it bad that the first thing that comes to mind when I see this is period blood. Good thing I won't be getting that until the end of the month.
Holy crap! Today is special!
"Birthday." I whisper out.
Strange. I'm in a random persons bed with only my bra and panties on.

"How do you feel?" A husky voice says from the bathroom from inside this room.

I sit up completely started. I mean, who wouldn't be, especially after everything that happened to me in the past 12 hours or so.

"Wh-who are you?" I say entirely too raspy.

"Uh,uh,uh. Asked you first." The husky voice says with humor.

"Dizzy." I say honestly. I rip off the stained covers only to reveal the resource of the blood. My left thigh is tightly bandages soaked in reddish-black blood.

The person finally comes out the bathroom with a bucket, sponge, and white bandages.

And let me just say that this guy has to be the sexiest human being that I ever laid my eyes on. He had to be around 24, his black hair so thick and messy. Not to mention that his eyes are the most red that I've ever seen an I have. But it doesn't look that strange. It's just more red then the more natural auburn color. And those gosh darn abs-

"Are you done starring?" He says slightly annoyed.

Almost hot stranger. Almost.

"Sorry." I shift my eyes back down to my left leg awkwardly. "So who are you?"

"Luke." The stud says as he cuts the bandages off my thigh.

"Do I know you?" I ask as the bandages reveal I nasty gash that's sloppily stitched up.

It takes all my strength to keep from passing out.

"No." Luke's looks at my reaction to my wound and stops unraveling my thigh. "Hey. Don't look at it. Look at me."

I only respond with a weak nod and look at his beautiful sculpted face.

I can feel him cleaning it which causes me to wince.
"Tell me about yourself" he says as I hiss in pain.

"It's my b-birthday today." I cry out as I feel the burning of alcohol wipes.

"How old?"

"21!" I yell out and my stitches are tugged at slightly.

He only nods as he wraps my thigh back up with the new bandages and gauze.

He stands and stares at me, but not at my eyes, but at the left side of my neck. I touch the spot he was staring and wince slightly. "What the-"

"Don't touch that." He says as he tenses up and carries the dirty bandages to the bathroom.

I roll my eyes and tuck my straight black hair behind my ears. I have to go to my boyfriend's house, if he finds out that I was with another guy he'd absolutely flip. Our relationship is...complicated. I tried leaving Brian many times before but he's right, I need him. I don't want to leave him...I can't leave him.
I swing my legs off the side of the bed and wince slightly as I manage to stand up, putting majority of my weight on my right foot.
Luke finally walks out the bathroom and stares at me for a second before walking over to me and grabbing my waist so I can steady myself.
"What the hell are you doing?" He says as he continues to glance at the same spot on my neck that he was staring at earlier.
"I-I have to go."
I wipe my hair out my face and push pass the Luke who literally towers over my 5,4" frame.
"Thanks for everything, I just...I just need to go."
I say hurriedly as I limp my way around the room frantically looking for my clothes.

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