Need You

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You've become a drug and I feel addicted

You may not need me anymore but I damn sure need you



It's been a week since I've seen Zara around the house but for some reason it's felt like an eternity. The hours of the day seemed endless as I casually wandered around the house hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Cora of course kept me informed of her condition and said she would feel better in a few days or so but regardless I asked Blair to check on her once in awhile. It was odd but I think I may actually...miss her?

No! Of course not! As a servant of mine she fell under my responsibility but I hadn't seen her since... During my drunken state I had taken her virginity. I still didn't remember fully what happened but flashes of that night came to me many times during the day each making me sick to my stomach to know that I had done something so incredibly irresponsible and stupid. I should have known better but this didn't make me any better than Colt. I felt just like him and that made me want to punch a wall in yet whenever I thought of Zara I felt something different.

She was like a drug that my system wasn't use too. It was like she was making me weak making me soft; I couldn't understand what I was feeling. Women were like nothing to me because thats what I had been taught to believe. My own mother never showed me love so this was somehow new to me. I shouldn't be having feelings for a servant even with the way I treated her but something called out to me. I needed to see her or at least speak with her in order to try and figure out whatever this was between us.



The pain I had been feeling ended days ago thankfully do to the pain pills Master Blair provided; it wasn't much but it was enough to get me through the agony at night. Master Blair was so different from Master Bishop; much kinder and nicer than I had anticipated. Whenever Cora,Nan and the others went to do their chores he would spend some time with me just talking. He mainly talked about himself since I hadn't much to talk about these days. He talked about what had gotten him interested in the medical stuff and how he was interested in becoming a doctor.

I found it interesting when he introduced me to Thomas his only servant...only male servant to be more precise and from the way they interacted there was definitely something between them but who was I to question that. I was the one who gave my virginity to the man that kidnapped me and wouldn't even think twice about killing me if others found out because of that I had pleaded with Master Blair to give me a week to figure this out. To my surprise he complied giving me the rest of the week to try establish my feelings but in the morning I would be back to my usual routine and I likely would see Master Bishop.

My feelings as of right now were all over the place. They were jumbled and I was too confused to even understand if I had any feelings for him at all. They could have easily come from being kidnapped or they just.....may have been generally realistic. Whatever the case it didn't matter now I needed to get out of here. Hopefully during the morning or afternoon I could find a way to leave without being noticed. even though the risk was too great I didn't have anything else to lose. I wasn't going to die here.


I dreaded the morning even before it approached but thankfully Cora was there like always to walk me through with whatever I missed. Nan was there too we had become close over the last week and I considered her as much of friend as Cora was. Thats why if I got the chance to escape I would take them with me. I kept the thought of escaping to myself as I helped with the chores for breakfast morning. The others cooked, set up the table then began to place the food. While I scrubbed till my hands bled at the dishes piled up in the sink.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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