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They want you sane; They want you perfect, They want you to bend to their rules of perfection

But your not perfect; Your the exact opposite


Chapter Three


As I watched him exit the room I wanted to crumble into a ball on the floor and cry until I felt like I couldn't anymore. I had been snatched from the home I knew my friends my family they had no clue where I was. Louisiana why was I brought here I hadn't done anything wrong I just wanted to go home.

My legs collapsed under me and I hit the floor not caring whether I was bruised or not. I wanted this to be a dream, to wake up in my bed getting ready to experience college. I was only eighteen how had this happened to me. I sobbed into my hands not caring if someone saw or heard me. Gentle hands rubbed my shoulders lovingly and I looked up wanting to see my mother but of course I didn't but the woman from earlier was there. She was comforting me because we were in the same situation; I was scared to death about escaping but hopefully I could convince her to help me find a way out of here we could leave together.

"Come child let me show you around before I have to go" she said and gripped her hand securely.

"Please don't leave me alone I'm not ready to be alone" I begged not caring how scared I sounded because I was; I didn't want to be alone especially if he came back in here.

"Don't worry child I won't leave you until I feel you know your way around here" she said soothingly helping me gather my wits and get to my feet.

"Zara" I sniffled wiping my eyes "My name is Zara" she smiled then said "My name is Cora".

With that she took my hand and led me out of the room and began the tour.



I stormed toward mother and fathers room to find her in bed and him beating the hell out of another servant. She was sobbing relentlessly as blood pooled around her, I could see some of the new cuts he created through the rips of her work dress. She was young maybe about fifteen or fourteen no doubt she was one of Colt's new servants he liked them young I didn't care for the servants whether they were young or old.

Father was growing tired as he huffed out frustrated breaths before finally putting the small lash down that dripped with fresh blood. The faint aroma of urine scented in the room making me turn up my nose in disgust.

"You disgusting fucking whore" he spat "That will teach you to disrespect me now clean up this mess before I get the whip and this time I'll let you bleed out" he threatened. The servant made no attempt to move, her wounds were too painful; she would likely die if she wasn't treated by Blair.

"Enough let the girl get patched up and send another servant to clean up the mess she made" I said irritated. He shot me a glare, thought it over for a minute then nodded to me. I stepped into the puddle and roughly yanked her up by her arms. She cried out in anguish but it was the only way to get her up, any slower she likely would have been in more pain.

"Go to Master Blair to get stitched up then on your way send another servant to clean up the mess immediately" I told her and she nodded.

"Yes Master Bishop" then waddled off as fast as her injuries would allow her. Blair was my other brother who was more softer with women than me or Colt. Rather than have his own servants he treated all of ours, the only servant he had was Thomas who was the only male servant who worked in the house.

Mother lounged in the bed unfazed as she dabbed light red polish on her fingernails; she was heartless. While father changed from his blood stained suit to a black robe, he came to face me.

"What did the servant do?" I asked curiously making mother snort "She called me an evil bitch". I laughed out loud ignoring the glare they both gave me.

"Mother your not evil" I said leaving out the bitch part because we all knew she was a high handed snooty heartless bitch but she didn't mind or acknowledge it, just smiled because she knew it was the truth.

"That's not for a lowly servant to say especially one who was once a poverty stricken whore" father chimed arrogantly still not hiding the fact that he was still pissed off. In my annoyance I changed the conversation they had in fact wanted to talk about something with me and now was the best place to get it out of the way.

"Cora said you wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked and to my surprise mother jumped out of bed like a giddy kid and rushed over to me.

"Oh yes splendid news Loraine Wright has agreed to come over and accept your marriage proposal" she clapped happily.

"I don't remember ever asking her to marry me" I replied and the smile quickly turned into a frown.

"Honestly Bishop get off your fucking pedestal thinking your so much better than the girl" mother snapped angrily.

I could feel a muscle twitch under my eye "How can I when you put me on that fucking pedestal?" I snapped back "First off I didn't propose to her nor do I plan to. Second of all I don't care what you want mother because as the oldest I am the beneficiary of the estate and I decide what goes and lastly who the hell are you to decide what goes on in my life when you can't even handle your own goddamn servants" I yelled at her. I anticipated her hitting me which I mentally prepared for her but when her hand connected with my cheek I was seeing red furious with anger and hate for the woman I called mother.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again boy!" she growled menacingly knowing that it ticked me off whenever she talked down to me.

"You may be the beneficiary of the estate but I am still in charge. My name still resides over yours and I have much more power than you and since you are the oldest you will marry Loraine and that's not a damn thing you can do anything about" finally she calmed down and continued with her rant.

"Loraine is a fine lady and her parents have money almost as much as we do. This union doesn't depend on happiness so much as power and here in Louisiana it's all about power. You may feel like you don't want to marry her but you will. You will love her, kiss her, fuck her and even give her children because that's what I'm telling you to do and you will do it is that clear?" She waited for me to respond. I wanted to tell her exactly what I thought about her plans but it would end with me beating the shit out of my own mother but through strong will and incredibly tight clenched teeth I said.

"Crystal clear mother" then took my exit wanting to take my anger out on something or anyone. A blond servant was passing me I gripped her arm and span her around quickly to face me. she squeaked then blinked when she saw me; another one of Colt's servants.

"Find Cora and tell her to bring the new girl.....Zara to my room immediately" I snapped frightening her as she scurried off. At the moment I didn't care I needed to get the anger out of me it needed to be taken out on someone and the new girl seemed like the perfect servant to take it out on.

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