Pent Up Anger

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I once feared your touch but now I want it more than ever

When you touch me I melt; you can do anything you want to me



Cora was thorough showing me every inch of the gigantic mansion even the outside where body guards were lined out around the perimeter if we tried to escape. I would have to adjust the plan I was forming I didn't think there would be any bodyguards what else did could they possibly have. She showed me the upstairs and downstairs the attic was a private room reserved for Master Bishop only. She pointed to every door we passed showing me the bathrooms, guest bathrooms and bedrooms and finally the servant bathrooms. The servants stayed below in the basement; their needs had to be met whenever they weren't busy tending to everyone else.

I hated to admit but the mansion was magnificent. The inside was shades with different colors of red, brown and even olive green. the furniture everything looked expensive. Even the servants rooms were or at least looked comfy but I didn't want to stay here I couldn't. I was frightened of Master Bishop and sadly attracted to him, even though he was scary there was something undeniably sexual about him.

"That's everything you need to know" Cora said as we entered the basement to the servants quarters. I trailed quietly behind her as we descended down the rickety steps. There were beds lined up against the wall each small but looked comfortable and I really needed to rest just to take in everything that had happened to me today. Cora led me to a bed next to hers and patted it softly.

"Here you go get some rest you deserve it after everything" she said what I was thinking as I hesitantly climbed onto the bed and was welcomed by the extreme softness that would instantly put me to sleep. I felt the bed dip as Cora climbed in and patted my head softly then began humming was sounded like an old lullaby. She reminded me so much of my mother, would I ever see her again? I sniffled beginning to fall asleep.

"Cora! Cora! Cora!" someone screamed snapping me out of my relaxing slumber. We both looked toward the stairs to see a blond woman rushing over toward her; breathing heavily from running.

"Cora Master Bishop is in a mood and wants the new girl now!" She huffed out in a panic rush. My eyes widen as I gripped Cora for dear life. What did she mean a mood? Did this always happen? I didn't want to go. Pleadingly I looked up at Cora who was biting her lower lip which was trembling. She was debating whether to send me up or disobey the rules and her punished. I couldn't let her do that at least get punished because I was being a coward. She had been so nice to me even when I had tried to run away and get her in trouble; I needed to go face him myself. I pulled myself away from Cora and motioned to the girl to take me toward his room.

We were quiet while she walked me to his room. The walk seemed much longer than with Cora maybe because around Cora I felt safe protected and with this girl I felt like I was walking toward death itself preparing for something that was bound to happen whether I wanted it or not. She approached the door, shot me a look of regret, knocked then scurried off like a whimpering puppy leaving me standing there with what little courage I could muster in this situation.

The door didn't open it remained close so softly knocked once more.

"Enter!" a voice bellowed making me jump. I hesitated on whether to enter or to run away but afraid of punishment I entered the room. Master Bishop was pacing around the room like a caged animal trapped in thought. His face was contorted to full menacing rage. He didn't acknowledge me just point to the bed then continue pacing as I took my seat.

"Who the fuck does that bitch think she is!" he screamed talking to himself or to me? "First she parades all the women around me saying that none of the whores are worthy of me then she says that I can chose a wife if I want and now she wants me to marry a girl I don't care nothing about just to get her more money and power" he turned to me and I froze not knowing whether to reply or not.

"My mother is a cold hearted bitch" he laughed bitterly out loud "She controls every aspect of my life just because I let her. She's vindictive evil and father is her follower; he's as weak as me but she's the reason why I'm like this. A arrogant sadistic man who wouldn't give a damn about anything except money and power. I've always bended to her rules to be what she wanted but now I don't care! I want to be defiant! I want to do whatever I want starting with you!" he ended staring hungrily at me.

"Her one rule is not to have any sexual contact with the servants. Colt does it all the time so why should I be any different" he growled lustfully. I wasn't quick to move as he wrenched me up by my arms and picked me up.

"Wrap your legs around my waist" he growled "Now!" he yelled when I didn't move then ever so slowly I wound my legs around his waist which was hot and muscled. He was strong I noted as carried me toward the wall and slammed me against it. He still held me his hands on the topside of my thighs, stroking my inner thighs. My toes curled in delight as I tried to hold back soft moans; his fingers were so long and his touch rough. It felt like A fire and I wanted to be burned.

"Have you ever been fingered" he asked still touching me. The question had me instantly wet feeling something that I had never felt before. I've never had sex but I have touched myself before but this would be more powerful then that.

"No Master Bishop" I whispered softly and a wicked grin slid over his features.

"Good I like being a woman's first".



This was the one rule we weren't suppose to break but of course Colt broke it everyday and didn't give a damn about it but I was suppose to be different. Now that didn't matter I had the curvy servant girl pinned to a wall, her plump legs wrapped around my waist and an erection forming making my cock rock hard. I needed to release this pent up anger and this was what I wanted. I knew she wanted it too by the way she was trying to hold back her moans. I didn't want her to hold back, I wanted her moaning, screaming and crying out my name I wanted her vulnerable to me.

My hand was so close to her pussy, I was growing harder by the minute until I brushed panties? I thought I told Cora to make sure the new ones were naked under there but no matter I enjoyed a little tease. My fingers brushed against her panties making her whimper against me. She looked so delectable like a cat in heat. I repeated the motion more slowly, she was sopping wet by the time I was finish just begging for my fingers. She was the first woman to tell me she had never been fingered; good I liked when a woman was untouched almost innocent. My hand moved back up her smooth stomach then dipped inside her panties to find her smooth and wet for me.

I wasn't suppose to do this but just touching her I didn't give a damn what anyone wanted. My finger entered her pussy and found her tight and ready for me.

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